Question: Hello Alaje, some scientists claims that, “One problem with the Pleiadian hypothesis is that the stars in the Pleiades are only tens of millions of years old, while billions of years are needed to develop planets with life and civilizations”. How do you explain that?
Answer: What makes you think that the Earth scientists know how old the Pleiades are? They don’t even know why they are on Earth and many of them are smoking poison. If you will watch my 10 videos, you will see that i say, that only when you have a higher energy and consciousness, you can see a higher dimension and the people in it. Most Earth scientists see a tree and think that is just wood. They have no idea that it is a living being that can talk to you.
As i say in my videos, Earth is very young, in the kindergarden. The civilization on other planets and dimensions are wise spiritual adults, who don’t have to live in the third dimension any more, because they have developed. Just like you would never be a mineral again, because now you are in the human form. It’s the normal way of evolution. Most Earth scientists are like 3 year old children, who don’t believe that there are 80 years old adults…. But when they grow older in consciousness and are not egoistic and arrogant any more, they will understand that there are more advanced people too. And then the soul starts to learn.
Question: Do you have education on your home planet and how does the education system work?
Answer: The Learning never stops. Even in the highest light levels, you can learn something. The education depends on what dimensions the planet is. In most higher planets, the children are learning all the cosmic laws, how life works, and they can choose themselves in what they want to learn more and become a specialist.
Question: Alaje, do you think you can describe the living conditions and atmosphere of the Pleiades?
Answer: The people on higher planets are living in oneness with the existence. The higher you go in the dimensions, in the frequency, the lighter everything becomes, so there are living light beings, were everything is pure energy. The Earth is on a very low frequency, were the energy has condensed in a physical form and people have forgotten that everything has its origin in the spiritual. The cosmic consciousness. So, people who have lost the connection to the spirit (God), cannot understand that life (God) is everywhere… They need to develop their consciousness and many life’s, until they can SEE too. They need the experience. You don’t have to convince those people, when they are not ready. Every flower (Human) has another time to blossom… Like i say in the videos, life is everywhere in the universe. Every planet has life, but on different dimensions. On different frequencies. Even Moon and Sun have life. There are many planets who have life on the same frequency as the earth, but most planets are more developed and have life on a higher dimension. That means that there is more cosmic energy and everything is more beautiful, light full. The nature is glowing with sparkles, flowers are making melodies, animals are gentle, everybody is telepathic, there are no lies, no diseases, no aggressiveness.