Question: Dear Alaje, beloved brother, did the shift already start? Is the frequency higher now? I feel so energized every other day, and I'm not sure why...
Answer: The energy transformation is a slow process that started in the 60es. It is a natural process and nobody knows the final transformation time, because as I say since 6 years in my videos, "The future of planet earth is not fixed, it is changing in every second according to the thoughts, emotions and actions of the majority of earth humans."
Question: Hello dear Alaje, I would like to ask you what is this parfume that you have mentioned once, could you give some example of it: "Use a good smelling room-perfume. Light beings like angels, like only things which are smelling good."
Answer: That can be any parfum that you like and smells nice. Anything that smells better then cigarettes.
Question: Do you know why Silver, Gold & Platinum are important metals in spiritual healing and development of Consciousness? (Such as the Wand, Ankh or Caduceus that were used in ancient times).
Answer: Well, energy can flow better through silver and gold .
Question: I’m curious that am i able to catch on the Earth’s transformation if i just started to meditate last year beginning of December ,and also i had turn to a vegetarian.
Answer: It does not matter “when” you have started. If you watch my 18 videos, you will see that i say: “LOVE IN THE HEART IS THE KEY”.
Question: In Hungary there is a place called Dobogókő. They say that it is the hearth chakra of the Earth. It is on a Pilis Mountains and it has spirtiual love energy.
Answer: The heart chakra of the Earth is of course INSIDE the Earth, and not on the surface. Just like your heart chakra is inside you and not on your knee. People with ego always think that the place they are living is special and “the best place”. As i say in my videos, earth people have to learn to see the planet as ONE and NOT seperated in countries. The planet sees his body as ONE and not as separated parts. Would you say to your body, that you like your left arm more than your feet? Of course not……..right?
Question: Hi Alaje, I would like to know if there is a difference between burying a dead body or burning it (crematory). A few people told me burning the body could confuse the soul or damage it in some way but I can’t really believe that as you say the soul goes on to learn on different planes and/or incarnates again. What is your opinion?
Answer: The soul leaves the body and doesn’t notice what happens with the abandoned shell (body).
Question: On video #3, you mention that some benevolent extraterrestrials are coming from the future, but at the same time you say that with positive thoughts we change the future which is not a fixed thing. This sounds contradictory, can you help me understand this?
Answer: No, that is not contradictory. There are many future lines, and advanced spiritual extraterrestrials have the ability to visit any of them. Because they are working together with the existence (god). In addition, in my videos I say, you can change your personal future, because time and space is flexible.
Question: Is Moldavite a VERY spiritual energetic rock and has lots of good energy?
Answer: Every crystal is special.
Question: A friend of mine gave me an Obsidian because i beg him a quartz or a rock crystal. I’ve read about the spiritual properties that these crystals have. By example, Obsidian makes you to
integrate your shadow (bad things, and fix them) to your inner self (metaphorically talking. Is this true?
I believe in this and use them because i know they come from the earth, and earth is life, and feel a mystical properties in it.
Answer: Go by your feeling. If you feel that you need a crystal for a period of time, use it. Crystals are helpers, until you can do it by yourself.
Question: Can you explain who Valiant Thor is, he worked for the pentagon i believe..
Answer: Valiant Thor is a Venusian who came in the 50s to warn the us government about the use of atomic bombs. He was not a walk in, he came with a spaceship and left again with a spaceship. In one of my videos there is a picture of him and two other persons of his crew.
Question: Why there are so many languages on Earth?
Answer: Because there were many extraterrestrial races on earth in the past.
Question: Is it healthy to use air ionizer at home? I live in a big city and it is recommended to use ionizer to clean air in flat. Should i buy ionizer or not?
Answer: That is YOUR decision what you will do. I can only tell you that i am using one and the air is better.
Question: Can the informations of Geroge Kavassilas be trusted?
Answer: In my videos i give the keys to find for yourself who you can trust. Use your INNER light. Use your heart energy. You have incarnated on the physical dimension in order to learn to use it in a physical body.
Question: How come we don’t have earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes here in Brazil like in other countries? We’re just as negative as everyone else i think… Is it only for geological reasons?
Answer: Well, there are other lessons to learn. But if the Planet decide to clean his body, it can be anywhere.
Question: You already talked about it, and i watched your videos many times and also read your answers for questions, however i also heard about Mayan prophecy 21.12.2012. Are the transformation and transition is planned on this time? Or can it happen and after many years?
Answer: As i say in my videos: THE FUTURE OF PLANET EARTH IS NOT FIXED. IT IS CHANGING ALL THE TIME, ACCORDING TO THE ENERGY OF THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS OF ALL EARTH HUMANS. That is why i am telling in all my videos, that earth people have to ged rid of negative energies and find the way of Love.
Question: A had some “vision” (i don’t know how to call it with other words). The sky was red-orange-yelow (mixture of that colors), i knew that was from some sun anomaly. And a lot of spaceships… I had feeling that this should happen soon. Think in 2011… And i also know that i need completely “suppress” the last remains of ego obscene desires and low energies… What you can say about this? There will be something in the end of 2011? Also i read that 3 giant spaceships a approached to the Earth.
Answer: Your vision is showing ONE possible future line, if the energies on earth still stay negative. I am doing Lightwork and videos, to create a positive future. There are MILLIONS of spaceships around Earth since the 40es. As i say in my videos and comments, there are THOUSANDS of different extraterrestrial species around Earth at the moment.
Question: Are there many planets in a greater degree of inferiority of the Earth? Many?
Answer: Of course.
Question: Is it truth that we are just entered in 4th dimension?
Answer: The transformation is a gradual process that is happening over years. The transformation started already in the 60es and now we are at a higher level since then. It is not a change from one day to the other. Iit is gradually, so the earth humans can adjust to the frequencies.
Question: Why do birds sing so loud only on spring and summer?
Answer: Because they are creating a frequency that helps the plants to grow.
Question: I’d like to know if the “Externsteine” in Germany is a sacred place where we can meditate and acquire the wisdom and love?
Answer: That is the only real energy point in Germany.
Question: If people will focus love energy on the nuclear disaster in Japan, will this transform the harmful radioactive energy being discharged from the damaged nuclear plant into something that is no longer harmful.
Answer: Yes, if all humans on the planet would create a powerful Love energy. In addition, many star-nations would help, because they would see that earth humans have developed and are spiritual.
Question: Regarding your comment: “Free Energy has been around since the 30′s, but the rulers of the earth are blocking it because they would not win any money from it” – how can we, the non-government, non-influential people of the world bring back FREE ENERGY. Many of us have prayed or meditated on this for a long time. Surely there is something physical we can do to bring it back into our lives. We are at a crisis point.
Answer: Regarding your comment: “Free Energy has been around since the 30′s, but the rulers of the earth are blocking it because they would not win any money from it” – how can we, the non-government, non-influential people of the world bring back FREE ENERGY. Many of us have prayed or meditated on this for a long time. Surely there is something physical we can do to bring it back into our lives. We are at a crisis point.
Question: Is the Japan earthquake was create by H.A.A.R.P or is it natural transformation process?
Answer: As i already said in my videos, each planet is a school where you learn to be spiritual and in harmony with nature. You learn to take responsibility for what you are doing. As i said already in my videos, If Earth humans continue to live against the nature with exaggerated consumption, greed for money and power, with use of poisons and atomic energy in the industry and continue to create hate energy and attack us light-workers, this transformation will be very unpleasant, because the universe and the planet will have to purify the negative energy, to match with the higher frequencies. If you destroy the nature, you are destroying yourself. All Earth humans are responsible, of how the transformation will be. Only with love energy, the transformation will be smooth and pleasant.
As i said already in my videos, the higher developed star nations will not interfere with the education of the Earth people. They are telling Earth humans for thousands of years how to live in harmony with the existence, without causing disasters. The people in power and the industries of the world must finally stop destroying the Earth, because of their greed for money and power. Free energy has been around since the 30′s, but the rulers of the Earth are blocking it because they would not win any money from it. Only a loving, spiritual government is a good government. Everything else leads to destruction.
Spiritual extraterrestrials visited all governments in the 50′s, and warned them about using the dangerous atomic energy. But the governments did not listen to this advise. At the moment, there are 438 atomic reactors world wide. 104 in USA ( they are planing 22 more), 55 in Japan, 58 in France, 35 in China ( they are planing 120 more), 32 in Russia ( they are planing 30 more), 20 in Korea, 19 in India, 19 in England, 18 in Canada, 15 in Ukraine, 17 in Germany, 10 in Sweden, and many more on other countries. You don’t have to be extremely intelligent to know what will happen, if they explode because of the earth shift.
All Earth people should be against nuclear reactors and force the governments to remove them. They generate negative energy and the planet Earth will therefore will try to eliminate this disease, with earthquakes and floods. For thousands of years, Earth humans have been warned not to act against nature, but people in the industry and politics don’t listen and create disasters. They are only interested in money and control over the earth population. The Earth people have to wake up now and fight against the slavery and lies of the Earth governments and the secret world government.
As i said already in my videos, Earth people have to create the energy of spiritual light and love in order to change the consciousness of those in power and stop their evil actions. If not enough spiritual energy is present, the Earth humans will act against the rulers by force. Because the Earth humans are destroying the nature and are not using enough love, planet Earth has started to clean his body from negative energies. He has started to shake and rotate faster and therefore the tectonic plates are set in motion.
All places at the pacific trench, (the pacific ring of fire) should be evacuated now, because there will be earthquakes and volcanic explosions. Japan is a volcanic island. It is directly on the pacific crack were there the tectonic plates are meeting. The entire island is a dangerous place and should be evacuated. It is a sign of insanity to build 55 atomic reactors on a volcano like Japan.
As i say in my videos, planet Earth is in a process of transformation in order to move in a higher frequency. In order to do this smooth and in harmony, all negative energies have to be cleansed and all earth humans have to concentrate on LOVE and not on any negative energies. As i say in my Videos: LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING.
Question: “All places at the pacific trench, (the pacific ring of fire) should be evacuated now, because there will be earthquakes and volcanic explosions”. Those areas are huge! With hundreds of millions of people! Especially japan: “The entire island is a dangerous place and should be evacuated.” How can that happen? When I tell the 5 people I know from there what you said and show them your channel, they won’t believe me.
Answer: As i already said in my videos, each planet is a school where you learn to be spiritual. Now is the opportunity for other countries to show compassion and to help the people who suffer in Japan. All the billions that are used for decades for the military and weapons, they could use it now more appropriate and build a new home for the people in Japan. All the wealth and gold, which the Church has stolen in the past from other countries with brutal violence, it should now be used to help people in need. Even a single ring from the Pope, would provide the necessary money for hundreds of people.
Help would be possible if the governments would now reflect on the energy of LOVE and not on their greed for power and control. If you look spiritually deeper, you will see that the REAL and FIRST reason for the disaster in Japan is not H.A.A.R.P., THE REAL REASON FOR ANY DISASTER ON EARTH IS THE LACK OF LOVE AND TOO MUCH NEGATIVE ENERGY. The lack of love on planet Earth, is giving to the dark side the power to create disasters with H.A.A.R.P. and other technologies.
The negative energy that the majority of Earth humans are creating, (aggressiveness, arrogance and no respect to the nature or Lightworkers), this negative energy is feeding the secret government with energy and therefore the disasters. The negative energy that the majority of Earth humans are creating, is forcing the Earth to make big cleansings to get rid of these energies. As i say in my videos: “EVERYTHING IS ENERGY AND THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING IS ENERGY”. If the majority of Earth humans would create LOVE ENERGY, they would take the power of the secret government away.
Question: Can you tell us about the “free energy” that has been around since the 30′s, or is it wind, solar and water energy?
Answer: No, it is FREE ENERGY from the Universe. The scientist Nikola Tesla was given by humans from other planets, the telepathic ideas to build devices that can capture the free cosmic energy.
Question: Why are these solar flares in news lately? Does this have anything to do with changes on the Earth?
Answer: Yes, that’s normal.
Question: Do you have any comments on this recent “Solar Flare” that almost hit the Earth?
Answer: That is part of the frequency transformation of this solar system. As the frequency is raising, the sun has of course more energy too.
Question: Is it true that there are pyramids in Bosnia and that those are the oldest ones?
Answer: Pyramids are on MANY places on Earth (above and underground), and on many planets in this solar system.
Question: Can animals like cats and dogs see things that we humans can’t see?
Answer: Yes
Question: How does one know if he/she is a light-worker here on Earth?
Answer: When you have personal experience with the LIGHT, with light-beings or other light teachers.
Question: I have a problem…In the last few weeks I felt more and more doubts, misstrust and I can’t concentrate as well anymore on “real” love. It’s not like I didn’t change, for example I don’t eat meat anymore and also had some spiritual experiences but as I said, I can’t get rid of the feeling that I can’t really concentrate on my spiritual side anymore and that the doubts and mistrust keep coming back.
Answer: Well that is understandable because the society on earth isn’t the best example for positivity. Especially in Germany the energy is negative and that influences many people. As I already said in my videos: Everything is energy and connected with each other.
Question: In the 70′s lots of music was themed with things about spirituality, aliens and outer space, a lot from groups like “Earth, Wind & Fire” and “Parliament”. I was very curious about this, did your people give them those ideas to put in their music, like how when you explained about your people giving the people at Google the idea for the design on Sep.5th?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Yesterday i saw on tv a documentary about the babies that born half male and half female which called hermaphrodite. Why does this happen? And what is the lesson for anyone that be in that position? How can he or she can deal with that situation?
Answer: That happens when 2 souls want to be in the same physical body. Well, the lesson is obvious. Two souls should not be in the same physical body, because this is causing energy dysfunction or schizophrenia. In that way a healer has to talk with both souls and make them understand that only one can stay in the physical body and the other one has to go to another physical body.
Question: I saw on the news yesterday, they said to the strange missile on the California coast was destroyed by Pleiadians spaceships, because was launched to Iran and Pleiadians make that for stop a war. Are they showing the truth. Really you Pleiadians have intervened?
Answer: Yes, that is true. The secret government was trying to create a world war. I am talking about it in my video number 9.
Question: Do you support the people doing gifting with orgonite? We are dropping them on cellphone towers and bad energy places to get them cleaned up. Orgonite is resin and metal, with a quartz crystal to purify the energy.
Answer: I don’t have any experience with orgonite at the moment.
Question: What is going to happen on 10/10/2010? Is it really some important date or is it disinformation?
Answer: In my videos i say, the existence does things when the time is right. The existence is NOT looking on a earth calender, with self-made numbers, invented by earth people, to decide a time of action. EVERY day is important.
Question: Hello! Send peace and love for my city please.
Answer: I send light to the whole planet, because i don’t see the countries, i see only human beings on a planet.
Question: At another point you said, there is life inside of planet Earth. Which races are that? Are these human or extraterrestrial beings?
Answer: Human beings can also be extraterrestrials. You can find humans in all universes. Inside of planet Earth are humanoids as well as non-humanoids.
Question: So how long ago were these nuclear wars these alien races had? Are we talking in our linear time like hundreds of millions of years ago? I think the oldest dinosaur ever found was 230 million years old, according to scientists. Or was it a lot sooner?
Answer: Much, much older. The Earth scientists scratch a little on the surface of the planet and think they can understand the history of the planet. Actually, those very old draconian wars are the cause of the broken tectonic plates and why they are moving since millions of years and causing earthquakes.
Question: Is it true that there is already another planet like Earth?
Answer: There are millions of planets like Earth.
Question: Is it true that the dinosaurs hadn’t disappeared, would they had evolved in something like the reptilian aliens?
Answer: The truth is the other way around. The dinosaurs use to be the draconian/reptilian space travel race. Millions of years ago, they had terrible wars, and the radioactivity of those wars caused those who could not escape from the planet, to mutate in what you call dinosaurs. After that the “dinosaurs” had of course offsprings for thousands of years.
Question: My cat is 21 years old, and 4 months ago she started to have epilepsy – 3 attacks so far! Is there a possibility that a cat can get the illness just because she lives with very let’s say argumentative and too loud people?
Answer: That is just because of her age AND because of loud noises. Cats are very sensitive about energies and sounds.
Question: Were the giants on Earth before people of our size? And what caused them to become extinct?
Answer: No, the so called “Giants” were extraterrestrials with their normal size. But after living on Earth they started to shrink, because of the gravity of Earth and because of the interbreeding with Earth humans.
Question: What is the difference between the indigenous shamans that know how to travel in the spirit/astral worlds, have seen other planets, and then people like you and your people who travel with light ships? Your people seem to have evolved technologically with love and spirituality, where the indigenous have no technology, but know how to travel with spirit. You can travel with the spirit and the flesh, while they can only travel with the spirit? I want to understand the difference, thank you.
Answer: Shamans have only contacts with the low astral level, were a lot of negative beings can trick you. Especially when you smoke like shamans, you can be possessed by low astral entities without knowing it. Concentrate on your TRUE spirituality. Concentrate on your soul and higher self, and the cosmic central consciousness.
Question: Are trees alive in winter just like in summer?
Answer: They are sleeping in the winter.
Question: You say that dolphins are incarnated extraterrestrials? So can you tell me more of those extraterrestrials who are on animal form? I have a cat, so i have always thought, that it is more intelligent than me. Could it be possible, that the cats are extraterrestrials, because they sure look like they are?
Answer: Well, there are extraterrestrials with cat heads, or dog heads.
Question: I was wondering, when animals eat meat and kill other animals, does that give them bad karma and bad energy, or does that only count for intelligent beings like ourselves?
Answer: Animals are in another level of evolution. Humans are over it. You can not compare the first grade with the 10th grade.
Question: Can you tell us about the Dolphins? I have always found them to be such loving creatures.
Answer: They are incarnated extraterrestrials.
Question: I have a question about Mothman and also Chuppacabra. Are these genetic mutations and are they like the bigfoot?
Answer: Yes, Bigfoots are genetic experiments from Atlantis. They did a lot of half human-half animal genetic manipulations in those times. That is why you can read a lot of those creatures in mythology. But more important now, is to concentrate on the inner, spiritual development. Clean all blocking energies and create a spiritual character.
Question: In the Bible and other ancient texts there are descriptions of giants, such as in the story of “David and Goliath”, i was wondering if giants really existed in ancient times and who they were, and where they came from?
Answer: Yes giants existed in those days. Some were the extraterrestrials and some were children of them.
Question: What is your opinion about David Icke, Stewart Swerdlow, Jordan Maxwell? Do you think they are reliable? Who you recommend?
Answer: If you watch all my 11 videos, you can build up your own opinion about them.
Question: Does the Earth have a soul?
Answer: Yes, the Earth is a living being, it has feelings and an awareness, and it is developing just like humans or animals.
Question: In your meditations there is no connection with the earth. Is it wrong if i do that?
Answer: ALL my meditations are about the transformation of Earth. And of course there IS a connection to Earth.
Question: Why you call it “experiment Earth”? Did the living on this planet not developed independently?
Answer: The answer is already in my video. The souls wanted to make the experience, how it is to live in a negative environment and to master it. On a planet with differently developed souls, whose consciousness is not on the same level, as is the case on other planets.
Question: When the transformation has been started?
Answer: It has been started around the 60s. It is a slow process, so that enough people have the ability to adapt.
Question: Alaje, you said “the spiritual teachings”. Are they all in your 11 videos? or where to look for it?
Answer: In my videos, are those, that you can learn on Earth. On other planets and dimensions you learn more.
Question: Alaje, “Light-work” and the work of “bringing down and exposing the corrupt system” – are they separate? Which one is more important? It feels like sending out negativity when telling people about the crimes of the establishments, but at the same time it really does wake/ waked a lot of people up. I am confused about what to concentrate on more.
Answer: The answer is already in my videos. I said: Concentrate on what you want, and NOT what you don’t want. It is good to know what the dark side is doing, but more important is to concentrate on the solution of the problem. And as i say in my videos, the solution is always the LOVE energy. I also say: If you want to change a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy. Thoughts and feelings are energy and they are creating your society.
Question: Dear Alaje, in Southwest China, there is a terrible severe drought extending. There are nearly fifty million people to meet disaster without water for live.The ground sun crack terribly. Those reservoirs dried up. And people who is hitting by these grief is most living in mountain or in village. Most of them is simple and unsophisticated. Could please high beings from Pleiades give any help or guide to them?
On the contrary, people living in big city is asleep and numb. Oppidan don’t care much such grief so long as it doesn’t come down to them. The most funny thing is, grief will never touch those one living in the corruptest and filthiest, at least it is at present. Kind people is freewill to donate and pray for disaster area, but power is weak for such a big grief. And common man never know if what they donate will be really used for help.
Answer: Well, higher beings see everything what is going on on planet Earth. But as i say in my videos, every planet is a school to master experiences that you wanted to learn. And the higher beings respect the wishes of the souls to make experiences, and they do not interfere, unless something would affect other planets.
Don’t forget people don’t have just one life, they had already millions of other lifes, and you don’t know what karma they had created in that lifes. As i say in my videos, everything comes back. Either in the present life or in another life. That means that one day, the karma will also reach the corrupt people, because it is a cosmic law of cause and effect. As i say in my videos, if humans destroy the nature anywhere on the planet, the nature will try to fix it again and heal it to create a balance.
The planet does NOT see his body divided in countries. Only the humans see it that way. The planet is just doing the necessary healing on the spot that he wants. Just like a human, when he has a virus, he is doing something about it. No human says: “My left arm is corrupt and only my right arm will get my help”. The planet is the same. As i say in my videos: We are all connected with everything, through energy. What you do to one part of the planet, affect the whole planet.
Question: What are “Orbs” that you see in photographs Alaje?
Answer: Orbs are consciousness. Light-beings, people from other dimensions who are observing, learning and helping. You see them often at places with good energy or at dimension-gates.
Question: Where can i find the true and complete history of human kind on earth?
I always try to gather and compare information from here and there, but i would extremely like to have your own opinion, your own knowledge about it. Wouldn’t it be useful for us humans to have our history back without lies and ignorance? Wouldn’t it help our evolution? Thank you so much my respected teacher of Love.
Answer: As i say in my videos, you can find the truth when you connect with your soul and your higher self. Then you have automatically access to the Akasha records.
Question: Dear Alaje, is it really true that our planet is hollow?
Answer: Yes, but the cities in the inner Earth are in the 4th and 5th dimension.
Question: There's a phenomenon called “EBANIS” that are appearing in the sky and they look like giant lighting worms and they expulse some white spheres from their interior, what do you think about that my friend?
Answer: Those “Worm beings” in the sky were ALWAYS there, but now Earth-people start to see them because the Earth-people are getting in a higher frequency where those beings exist. EVERY dimension has life, but you can only see it, when your frequency is the same with the dimension. I am talking about this in my Videos.
Question: Hi Alaje, could please if you know tell what is going on in the “Bermuda Triangle”. Why is there reports or disappearances there and sometimes sightings of UFO’s. I have always wanted to know what was the truth behind that place .Thank you
Answer: When the continent of Atlantis was destroyed and under sea, some buildings they had with technologies for cosmic energies were damaged and they started to create anomalies, like opening uncontrolled dimension gates. These building are still creating these energies. The military knows about those technologies, they have found many, and they are doing experiments, too.
Question: Alaje is it true that there are Pleiadians bases on Earth?
Answer: Yes, that’s true. Many extraterrestrials have bases on earth.
Question: Dear Alaje, can you tell me who are the two men and one woman on the photo in 3:05 of your 9th video?
Answer: These are people from Venus who were on earth in the 50′s.
Question: ALAJE, are the Bigfoot and the Yeti’s part of that Garden of Eden project? how did they sustain life and keep so far away from human kind? it is only now that we are hearing more reports of them.
Answer: Yes, the Yeti or Bigfoot are also a part of genetic manipulation program from extraterrestrials of another time, with animals from another planet who brought to earth. They have a very big lifespan.
Question: You said that there are not many UFO sightings over Germany because the energy is very low there. How about the energy of Austria, Switzerland, England or Croatia?
Answer: Austria, Switzerland have a better energy than Germany. In England the energy is only good outside of big cities, where humans didn’t do any harm to nature. I’ve never been to Croatia.
Question: You mentioned that 10% of the population is needed to get the evolution of mass consciousness. If this is not achieve is the earth is still going to get to a higher vibration with the ones that are ready for the next evolution?
Answer: Yes, the planet Earth will do his own evolution process, and the humans on this planet can decide if they want to go along with it or not.
Question: I’ve just heard that 8,000 people with high frequency on the planet are needed in order to be reached the critical mass of consciousness transformation. Is that true?
Answer: No, 8,000 people are not enough. It is needed at least 10% of the Earth population.
Question: Hi Alaje, our inner Earth? What’s the significance of it ? Is it true that the entrance is in Antarctica, and that there are extraterrestrial beings living there? Do you know or have heard anything about this?
Answer: There are many entrances to the inner Earth. Not only at the poles. And yes, there are cities from different extraterrestrials, but they are in a higher frequency and not everybody can find them. Only if it is allowed.
Question: Hi my friend Alaje, i watched the movie “STAR-GATE” and i think it has not all but some minor details about us and our past.What do you think of it my friend?
Answer: Yes, those movies often are showing the past. Star gate, star wars…
Question: Hi Alaje, i was wondering when will Earth becomes a more positive environment to live on.
Answer: Hello, the transformation energies are working already for years now. But they are becoming stronger and stronger now and because of that, more people will feel it and see its impacts.
Question: Alaje, is it true that staring images from crop circles in a good resolution is a benefit for me as a human if i can see those crop circles in a meditation state and let the feelings those crop circle give me “flow”? Where can we find meanings of the crop circles symbols?
Answer: 99% of the crop circle Pictograms are made from us with cosmic, electromagnetic energy. The fields are not destroyed, but even improved. The rest of 1% is made of negative people who want to fool other people. They trample the fields so you can see that it is a fake. The stalks are bent and broken and the fields have no energy.
The real pictograms have energy and 3 functions. Some are energetic stimulation for the earth (in the videos, i said that, symbols have energy), some are messages for the humans, first to make them see that there are others in space too, and secondly there are messages that are understood more in the soul, to activate specific knowledge. And some icons are messages for other aliens.
Those crop circles that are messages for your soul have to do with sacred geometry. In the etheric plain, you can see geometric 3D figures everywhere out of light who have encoded information.
It is the language of the higher dimensions, too complex to understand with the rational earth mind. But your Soul can understand it. So you have to listen to your soul, in order to understand
the message within a symbol.
Everything has those structures in it. Your body, the planets, everything…
Those crop circles are corresponding with the secret geometry in your energy body, and are triggering your awareness and sensitivity for the higher frequencies. The same is happening with the
planet, too. It is like acupuncture for the planet.
The symbols in crops are projected from the spacecraft or we send small telemeter discs or light balls stimulating with cosmic energy, the earth. It happens in seconds.
Sort of like when you print something with your printer. First it’s only the screen as a graphic and then it is projected at specific points on the paper. For the pictograms instead of ink, it is used cosmic energy that exists everywhere, as all things are made of this energy. I have been at dozens already in England and have eaten the seeds of it. You can feel the energy impact for days in your body and it activates the chakras.
Question: Dear Alaje, in your 6th video, you said if there is a large purification happens on Earth. Both ships for the light side and dark side will come and we need to distinguish. What is their purpose? Can you share with us?
Answer: I said: “IF” there will be purification necessary. “IF” The Earth people create negative energies, the Earth will clean her self. I also said spiritual thoughts create a spiritual future.
Question: Alaje, on 10.9.2009 they are sending a rocket to the Moon, is there life on our Moon and is our moon a planet too?
Answer: Yes, since the 40’s, there are people on the Moon. They have cities outside and inside in the dark backside of the moon. The Moon is an artificial object that was brought here, when there were wars on Earth, millions of years ago. It was a base station. So there were ruins already when the Secret Government went there. And because it is artificial, that’s why the Moon never spins around and you see only the one side of the moon. It has technology to prevent the Moon from spinning so you don’t see the side with the buildings and spaceships.
Question: Hello Alaje, before you said that you came from the future. I’m curious, i would like to know how will be the Earth in your present. Is it negative or positive (The future)? Bye!
Answer: I came from the future of the Pleiades, not Earth. The future of Earth, like i say in the videos, depends on the energy that the majority of the Earth people will create. That’s why it is important to create spiritual energies.
Question: Alaje, you speak of wars millions of years ago and we are not the first Earth population. Is that how Atlantis fell? And are we the desendents of Atlantians? Human kind i mean.
Answer: Atlantis was destroyed 12000 years ago. But before Atlantis there were 5-6 more civilitations on Earth. Millions of years ago. Like i say in my videos, Earth humans are here, because there were humans from other planets, visiting the Earth. They brought plants and animals from their planets, who then have mixed on Earth, that’s why there are so many different variations of them on Earth.
Question: Is the Earth the weakest link in our Galaxy? And is it the key to the next step consciousness for the whole Galaxy?
Answer: There are many planets like the Earth. Every planet goes through a transformation one day, because that’s evolution. In other words: everybody is first a child, and later an adult…