Question: Dear Alaje, beloved brother, did the shift already start? Is the frequency higher now? I feel so energized every other day, and I'm not sure why...
Answer: The energy transformation is a slow process that started in the 60es. It is a natural process and nobody knows the final transformation time, because as I say since 6 years in my videos, "The future of planet earth is not fixed, it is changing in every second according to the thoughts, emotions and actions of the majority of earth humans."
Question: Alaje where is the best place to be on 11.11.11?
Answer: In your heart. That is the best place for ANY day on a calendar number, that was invented by earth humans.
Question: Have you ever heard about the Bulgarian prophecy Vanga? She had predicted everything and she had never been wrong and she had said that in 2010 in November it will begin the world war 3 – is that real?
Answer: Don’t get in panic or confused with predictions about the future. As i say many times in my videos and comments, the future is NOT fixed. It is flexible. The future is not depending on
any Earth date. The future, is changing in every second, according to the energy of thoughts and emotions of the majority of the Earth-population. So there are many possibilities for the future.
If somebody tells you he knows the future, he is concentrating only on one possibility. On one time line out of many time lines.
And of course the dark side want the people to concentrate only in the possibility of destruction and fear. If you are developed in your consciousness, you are creating a positive possibility and
you are prepared for any possibility. The most important now for the humans is the development of the heart and the consciousness. The population has to become positive. When this happens,
everything else will change too, and all the prophecies will be null and void – invalid. That is why i did my 13 movies. To rise the consciousness of the Earth humans and create a lightful
Question: Hi Alaje, what can you say about horoscopes? Do they really work?
Answer: Everybody is an individual and no superstition should tell you how you are and how you should live.