[DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. For proper health advice you should always consult your doctor! Please read our disclaimer]
Question: Hello Alaje, can you please help me, my girlfrend has a skin problem and she sometimes scratches herself to blood, also in sleep. She says that its itching her to much and she cant relax. She dont know what to do doctors say its atopic dermatitis, so i suggested that we ask you.
Answer: The skin is like a protective shield and a sensor tool to sense energies. When the skin senses an unpleasant energy, it activates the alarm with an inflammation and gets red. Skin
inflammation, is manifested often when you have fears, stress, or if you are caring old anger that you don´t want to let go.
Neurodermitis and Urtikaria indicates that you try to get attention, you have a lack of self-love, fear and emotional weakness, and don´t want to let go of old anger.
Vitiligo indicates that you have the feeling that you don´t belong to nowhere, you have the feeling that you are alone and a discard, outcast person. In any case of inflammation you need to watch
and control your thoughts and feelings. You need to focus on the energy that you want and not on negative thoughts or negative emotions. You need to let go inside from all past negative emotions.
That can be achieved with meditation and Cosmic Love in the Heart. Calcium is good to take every day for skin and bones.
Question: What natural herb or medicine i culd use to clear my body from bad food that i was eating. Like a detox. I wish to transform my body into a healthyer state.
Answer: You can use IBEROGAST. It has 9 natural herbs inside and it is helping fast.
Question: Do you know what the cure for hormonal spots. Tried many things and not yet successful please help =)
Answer: I have ansered this in older comments. Read the left side of my channel. SKIN PROBLEMS: skin inflammation, comes often when you have Fears, stress, or if you are caring old anger that you
don´t want to let go. Neurodermitis and Urtikaria indicates that you try to get attention, lack of self-love, fear and emotional weakness, don´t want to let go of old anger. Vitiligo indicates
that you have the feeling that you don´t belong to nowhere, you have the feeling that you are alone and a discard, outcast person.
Acne, spots comes from many reasons: of the pollution of the air and the food, sugar, chocolate, junk food, hamburgers, eating animal-corpses, stress or from the genetics that you get from your
parents. Besides vegetarian eating, you can use SILICA to heal the skin. Rosacea can appear also when you are drinking coffee and alcohol. For skin, hair and nails you can use SILICEA once in a
while. Calcium is good to take every day for skin and bones. The use of spiritual LIGHT in Meditation and Self-Love is necessary in all skin problems.
Question: Hi Alaje, I hope you are having a nice day and Congratulations about the succes of your CD's. Can I ask you for an advice? In the last years, I have been feeling really inmature and I am not sure why, I am mature, and everyone could say that, but I see myself really childish, and I wish you could give me an advice because I feel very confused now. Thank you for all your work, you have really changed my life.
Answer: Hello, Can you specify your question? Do you mean you feel a lack of self esteem?
Question: Well, Yes, I always end up picturing myself inferior to the others, Like I picture myself very childish, even when I am not. So you could say that is a lack of self esteem, I also feel that something is blocking me from "growing up" right now, My development, I know that I need to work on that.
Answer: Self Confidence and Self Esteem are necessary Qualities in life. But they have to be charged with the energy of Love. If you use Love as your Guide, you will have Self Confidence and Self
Esteem without becoming arrogant with false pride and egoism. This self confidence would be only a mask, to hide the lack of true self confidence and love. You will use this mask to impress
others and prevent them to see your true self and your weakness.
On the other hand, if you have a weak self confidence, you can be a victim of people or situations, and fall in a depression. If you have a healthy Self Confidence and Self Esteem, it means that
you have self love. It means that you express yourself, without having the fear that others have another opinion of you, or that somebody would feel insulted. If somebody feels insulted even when
you talk out of love, than this person has an inner blockade that has to be healed. It is his responsibility and his life-lesson.
Your responsibility is to communicate with the heart-energy. Every word you speak, has to be charged with the energy of Love. Even when you say something strong and direct. Your motive inside has
to be Love-Energy. You have always the right to defense yourself. Many people are brainwashed from earth-religions, to "offer the other cheek to receive a punch". This was invented by the church
sects, in order to keep the people under control and enslavement.
If you have spiritual Self Confidence and Self Esteem out of Love, you know what you want and believe in yourself. You are an individual with a clear vision of what you want and you know what
steps you have to do, in order to achieve your wish. You will not measure yourself and your wishes, with the wishes of other people. You will follow your own Life plan, your own path.
You will be not influenced by the negative patterns or believe systems of earth society. You will be a creator and not an earth society robot. You will not only talk, but also take actions. And
your words and actions will radiate your inner qualities of your soul: Love, Wisdom, Beauty, Joy. You will be free of believe-systems on earth, and you will find the truth out of your own
There are two types of a Self Confidence and Self Esteem blockades. The one type is, when a soul has chosen to have this experience, in order to listen more to the thoughts and feelings, to learn
how to be later more Self Confidence in a positive way. If you try to heal those shy persons too soon, this person will start to be arrogant to other people. A healing should always be in
coordination with the Karma and Life plan of a person.
The other type is, when the negative influence of people around you has created this Self Confidence damage. And this type is more common on planet earth. In the first 5 years, a child is
influenced a lot by the character, feelings and actions of the parents. If the parents show real love to the child, the child understands that it is loveable. This feeling and energy of real
love, creates the foundation for Self Confidence and Self Esteem.
Self Confidence damage begins, when the child experience negative thoughts and energies from the family members and the close environment. Many negative and immature people want to have control
and power over others and steal their energy. Sometimes, this starts even in the childhood, when the immature parents are treating the child without real love, treating the child like a slave or
property, with no respect and program it with fear, wrong rules and expectations of themselves. And this is creating a big psychological damage to the child that last even when this person is an
Those people can be manipulated and destabilized, even by a look of disapproval. They immediately enter in a weak state of doubt, which is making them unable and unwilling to cure the problem. If
you do not express yourself, you have an energy blockade and this can lead to toxins, cancer or heart problems in your body. It takes a lot of love and patience to heal this blockage.
Many People with a lack of Self Esteem and Self Love, do not like life, and like to create problems, in order to continue living in sorrow and depression, because they are programmed to live that
way from the society. That's why they like to wear black clothes or clothes that look like a garbage bag. They don't take care of themselves. Others are eating too much, to fill up the lack of
love they are feeling inside.
Others are harming themselves with cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and other dangerous things. Most of the smokers had or have problems with the mother, and are using the cigarette as a
pacifier/breast substitute. They have never experienced real Love. With these poisons they are destroying not only the physical body, but also their natural energy protection around the body, the
light of the aura.
Self Confidence and Self Esteem charged with the energy of love, can clean up all blockades. Real Cosmic Love is the solution for everything. And in order to use Love Energy, you have to be in
contact with your true self, your inner self, your soul. In that way you can create a powerful light and clear awareness about your values and talents, and you will not be dependent on the
validations and appraisals of others.
You will not harm yourself and you will be true to yourself. You will use truly your heart and you will have SELF LOVE. The most important is the development of the heart. You have to eliminate
everything that creates negative energy, depression or fear in your life.The best is to stay away from negative people who want to control, suppress or manipulate you.
Question: Alaje I have one more question,I am curently reviving myself from a broken leg.I am now ok,but I still have problems with the blood,I still have pains in the leg and I still walk a little strange,I don't trust modren medicine,so can you tell me some spiritual and natural way to help myself? Thanks Light and Love.
Answer: In order to heal broken bones you can use these natural herbs: Bryonia-Strath-S ointment, Calcium-Gastreu N R 34, Chiroplexan H, ISO Bicomplex 13, metasymphylen, Ruta-Gastreu N R55, steirocall, Symphytum comp., Symphytum Similiaplex, Magnesium, St. John's Wort, comfrey, calendula, tea from Acorus calamus, horsetail and nettle.
Question: Hello Alaje I am very happy to see you back again,Light and Love to you and thank you for everything.I just have one question.I have stoped smoking,1 month ago and I feel very good and harmonious,but my friend smoke around me all the time and harm my body too.How can I help them stop smoking?
Answer: A smoker who wants to stop smoking needs a strong will and Self-Love. He who Loves himself, does not harm himself with drugs, smoking, alcohol, animal corpses or any other kind of
poisons. Because it is harming the physical AND energetic body, and it is blocking you to reach higher levels of consciousness.
Self-destruction is a sign of lack of Self-Love and lack of spirituality and a form of slow suicide and self-deception, and that is not spirituality. Smoking is the most common disease on planet
earth and it is the cause of many negative energies, because it is opening doorways to the lower astral dimension and negative entities can come through.
Every smoker has negative lower astral beings, demons, parasites and holes in his dirty aura. If we have negative thoughts, negative feelings, eat animal corpses and smoke, the energy bodies get
weak and damaged, and that results sooner or later to a damage and disease in the physical body and the consciousness.
Those parasites feed on the life energy of the smoker, forcing him to smoke further and distracting him from reaching the light. With these energies, they are distracting and disturbing the
energy of non-smokers too.
The negative energies of burning poisons are keeping your vibration low and are weakening the Chakra points and the Aura. That creates holes in the Aura and you are not protected anymore from
lower astral parasites and demons, that are existing close to the dimension level of the earth. Everybody with an active third eye can see it.
This is not a matter of "believing" or "not believing", this is a matter of having knowledge out of experience or not. Cigarettes have over 3800 chemical compounds. Around 200 of them are toxic,
and are in a dose that is killing slowly. Around 40 from them are carcinogenic. All these poisons are designed to block earth humans to become spiritual, because it is limiting the awareness and
the energy in the aura.
Question: Dear Alaje, first of all, we are Happy to see you back again <3 ... We have missed you so much. I'm sooo Exited that I gonna stop smoking cigarettes, and Happy as a beautyful flower at this moment... And we (also my Brother and a good Friend of ours) have a question for you =D. On your site, in the past, I've had read about the Herbs to detoxifide our Body from smoking cigarettes. Witch Herbs can we use to detoxifide our Body ? <3<3<3 We send you the most powerful Love and Light to you Dear Friend <3<3<3 =D
Answer: Here are the natural Herbs: Chelidonium-Strath comp., Nux vomica Similiaplex, Nux vomica D6, Prunus Padus forte Vitaplex N, TOXEX, Moringa.
Question: Hello Alaje, I have Dysbacteriosis what can i do to get rid of my disease? please help me if you can
Answer: DYSBACTERIOSIS - GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISEASE: As I say in my Videos, Everything is Energy. The cause of everything is fine matter energy. Fine matter energy is the cause of any chemical or
electrical process in the body. Diseases are coming mostly from negative energies, or suppressed emotions, who have not been healed and have manifested as a physical disease, and are causing a
physical dysfunction. Aggressiveness, Hate, fear or sadness is keeping your energy low. It is altering the molecular structure of the body - making the body weak - and is causing heart attacks,
cancer, abscess appendicitis Rheumatism, brain dysfunction and other diseases.
A gastro-intestinal disease shows you, that you haven’t solve certain things, blockades, unhealed emotions in life, you have not digest them, or have not released fears. If a lot of negative
emotions from the past are not solved for years, like anger, sorrow or sadness, this energy begins to manifest physically as inflammation, cancer or heart attack. It is a warning system to tell
you that you need to improve your awareness. It tells you that you have to release old unwanted negative energies and to direct your energy to your positive, spiritual development. Direct your
awareness to the energy of love. The energy of love is the energy of the existence (God).
In addition you can do foot and belly massage and take these natural herbs: Iberogast, Anagallis/Malachit comp., Belladonna-Strath comp., Bismutum Pentarkan, Bolus alba comp., Cefagastrin,
Gastro-Pasc, Isostoma S, Stomachik II N.
Question: Is there a natural way to heal hemorrhoids?
Answer: Here are some natural Herbs for Hemmoroids: Hamamelis comp., Mercurialis comp., Quercus, Leptandra Similiaplex, Chol-Truw S.
Question: Why am I feel so drained and tired after my friend gave me healing?
Answer: Well, that is because he did not gave you healing, he took energy from you. You lost energy.
Question: Alaje, you say to drink rice milk. What about almond milk? Is this good to drink, too? Thank you for your guidance. I am spreading your message and it is being well received by my friends.
Answer: Yes, that is good too.
Question: Alaje, thank you for your teaching! With your teaching i become a Vegetarian and Meditation everyday to heal myself, my family and the world ! what do you think about Mobile phone radiation,is it be wise to keep Mobile phone out of body?because my colleague always complain that i didn't answer the phone...
Answer: Of course it is not good to keep it all the time close to the body, and it is a very bad idea to keep it close to the heart. You have to clean the body all the time with a higher light energy, As I say in my videos.
Question: What are the benefits of St John's wort? I got into trouble with my parents for taking it and i would like to be enlightened on it :))
Answer: St John's wort is a normal, natural plant with yellow flowers and is widely known as an herbal treatment for depression and stress, helps to stay calm and in good mood. You can get it in the nature or in a pharmacy. If your parents have a problem with that, they have a problem with salad, fruits and other healthy plants too. You can tell them that the real unhealthy thing for a human is eating animal corpses.
Question: Is cosmic energy also needed to live in lower dimensions as we and you are, or can we live without it, only with energy that we get from food. Is cosmic energy only needed for light meditation.
Answer: As I say in my videos many times: EVERYTHING is made up of cosmic energy. The Cosmic energy of Love is the energy of the the existence (god). Everything is made up of cosmic energy, but not every human knows it, or is using it.
Question: If the sea is very polluted by waste and oil like petroleum, can keep the body healthy? or is it bad to bathe in a sea very contaminated?
Answer: If the sea in your place is poluted it is better not to go in the water until it is cleen again.
Question: I have been biting my nails since i was a child and i haven’t really figured out a clear reason as to why i do this. I can’t for the life of me stop and some say it is due to nerves.
Answer: If somebody is biting nails, it shows that that person has frustrations. He is “biting himself” because of the frustration. That person needs to find the light and to use it in the daily life. I am talking about how to find the light in all my videos.
Question: I’ve done things for people all my life because it was my nature to do so. Today, i am homeless, broke, lost 3 careers, and it seems i have nothing but bad luck. It’s like a curse has been put on me. I thought if yo do good things for people it supposed to come back to you. Nobody seems to be waking up to any reality! Can you help me understand this?
Answer: LIFE AND MEDITATION IS A PROCESS. There is the Universal law of Karma in the Existence. It ensures justice in the Existence. If you do good, you create positive Karma, if you do bad, you create negative Karma. As i say in my videos: Everything you have ever done or experience in all your lives, is stored in your soul. Before good things can come, humans have to clean all bad karma, all bad energies from past lives they have created.
All those energies are like layers around the soul. There are many layers. Removing one layer is not enough if somebody has accumulated a lot of negative energy . If you want to see the sun you have to remove all the dark clouds, not just a small piece. Humans are doing this in many lifes, if they don´t work on themselves. Many things in the physical dimension need time to develop and they don’t change in one second. Life is not a machine with buttons. Life is a learning process with experiences were you grow step by step, by taking the wisdom of the experiences and make it every time better.
If you are working on your spiritual development, you are changing old negative programs and patterns into positive ones. If you have many negative layers that are covering you, you have to take away those layers one by one, because they are blocking you in manifesting positive things. You have to continue until the light shines through again. Just watch my videos and do my meditations a view months. You can change everything in life easier by living spiritually and using meditation.
As i say in my videos, meditation is everything that makes you calm and relaxed. Then you start to listen more to your true self, your soul, and not to the rational brain that is programmed with believe systems from the earth society. You start to get more energy and ideas in steps from a higher source, because you have open up yourself.
Meditation is a process. It takes time to develop an energy. It is not a button that you can push and everything comes in a second. It is a process that goes through many lives. Those people who can feel the energy are those who have started the training many lives ago. When you have created enough powerful energy, you can use it for healing yourself and others and manifest the things in life that you want. So meditation is basically, getting consciously in contact with the existence (god).
Question: I’ve read that is not good to sleep close to metal objects…Is it also bad to have one’s picture on a metal frame?
Answer: A metal frame is too small to have an effect. The picture inside the frame would have a bigger impact. But if your bed is out of metal, it is not good, because it is disturbing you to sleep well. The bed should be out of wood.
Question: I read somewhere that if we put a copper wire around our bed which creates a closed circle, then it creates good energies for us. But my friend’s spiritual teacher said to us that this is a bad information from the dark side and it actually do the opposite, blocking us from good cosmic energies.
Answer: It is better not to sleep close to metal, because metal can attract or amplify energies, good or bad, and can disturb your sleep. Wood is better. And more important is the energy that you have in your aura. If your aura is strong and powerful, you can protect yourself more.
Question: I wanted to ask you so many questions(still want) but i’m never sure who should i trust and believe but now i see that people love you and support you so much and i think this is
wonderful and it means a lot!!!
One of my questions, is why we shouldn’t eat meat sometimes because i have iron deficiency Anemia and i feel weak and sleepy and the doctor said that i have to take some medicine for a while and
i have to eat meat at least 3 times per month…i really don’t like to eat meat because i love animals but i don’t know what else to do so can you help me?
Answer: As i say in my videos, the physical bodies are changing right now with the new energies. The more light you have in your body, the more you eat only the highest energy in food, like fruits. People with a high cosmic light energy, don’t want to eat meat anymore because they feel that it is harming the physical and energetic body. The lowest energy is in meat and it’s pulling you in lower energies. People with lower, animalistic energies want to eat meat, because that is their energetic level. Only when they build up more cosmic light inside them, they will stop eating animal corpses. You can get iron in many vegetables, fruits and cereals, much healthier then from dead rotting corpses, which are creating many diseases. When your body is vibrating in a higher frequency, you stay healthy, physically and mentally. I am my whole life a vegetarian and i was never seriously ill, because i love myself and i protect myself from physical and energetic poisons.
Question: What shampoo and foam bath can provoke to our skin cause its all full of chemicals?
Answer: There are organic natural shampoos. Just search for it in the internet.
Question: I have heard that just a small glass of red wine is good for the heart, what do you know about it?
Answer: Alcohol should be used like medicine. That means: only drops.
Question: I practice semistarvation (hunger therapy). Don’t you know,could it purifier me from all kind of poisons. I’m 19 and i saw your videos for a first time this summer, but before i intoxicated my body with cigarettes, drugs, alcohol. I want to clean my body. I have chlamydia also, but i don’t want to heal myself with antibiotics. So could hunger therapy be something like multipurpose purification?
Answer: No, everything you wrote is harmful to the body. If you want to clean and detoxify your body, you can use MORINGA.
You can get Moringa in capsules. Moringa is also a good protein source.
Question: During the night i wake up feeling some electric waves that start from my head and arrive to feets and hands. I need to touch the floor to return normal? what do u think about it?
Answer: Use the energy for lightwork. This is what I do. Use my video number 4.
Question: I’ve been looking for a true spiritual master in Hungary, i still think, haven’t found the best yet. Can you please give me some advice, how can i find someone or tell me a name?
Answer: The best spiritual teacher is inside yourself – in your heart – the connection to your Soul – the connection to the universe. It is called LOVE ENERGY.
Question: I’m doing your meditations for a while now, i repeat your words by visualize them as written language in my mind or just repeat them but only mentally. I know that thoughts are energy, but would it be more effective, if I repeat your words in spoken language?
Answer: It is the same.
Question: My brothers and i suffer from ingrown toe nails, it is so bad, that sometimes we can not even walk, i would like to ask you if you could tell me what is the cause of that, and besides with the meditation, is there any herb that i can take to help to reconstruct that part?
Answer: Nails are a symbol of protection. Program yourself that you are inwardly and outwardly safe and secure and that you have no fear.
Question: I sometimes becomes heat in the breast that does that mean?
Answer: The heart chakra is radiating light.
Question: Do you have to be a certain age in order to meditate?
Answer: Meditation is a natural healing state to have a clear connection to the existence and it is for EVERYBODY. It does not have anything to do with the age of the physical body.
Question: I am having trouble with meditating. Although i have tried with your videos and some others that i found on YouTube nothing happens. I find it hard to concentrate. What am i doing wrong?
Answer: Before you do my meditation with my video, meditate by yourself in silence. Train yourself to be able to stay calm and concentrating on one thing, without having hundreds of thoughts at once. You can try to look at a candle as a concentration training, to see how long you can concentrate on the flame without other thoughts except the flame. Or you can close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. When you do that one or two months you will see that you are able to be more calm and more focused.
Question: I need some advice please. In the last months when i try to meditate at home i start a conscious dreaming state (sit on the chair i keep a straight posture). It is like i’m too relaxed and i have dreams but i’m awake. I can’t stop this. i just want to meditate. What is wrong?
Answer: That is astral traveling and that needs practice to do it consciously.
Question: If you during meditation feel as if your face (and other parts) is (are) splitting / moving away from each other – get formless so to speak – is that also astral body moving?
Answer: Yes, the astral body.
Question: When i sit calm and don’t move i feel in my body sort of WINDY MOVEMENT and therefore my whole body sort of waves from side to side… WOW! That’s really surprising to feel… Thanks in advance.
Answer: That is your astral body moving.
Question: When i meditate my eyelids start to shiver and i feel like the gravity stops pulling on me and i’m going out of my body?
Answer: That is because your astral body gets in motion and your physical body, eyelids, start to shiver because of that. That is normal in the beginning.
Question: Since a couple of weeks i feel “something” between my eyes when meditating… it starts subtle when i close my eyes and its getting more intense after a couple of minutes. Then i start to see those green waves and everytime they move above my eyes i can feel them crawling up my forehead. Does this mean the “opening-process” of my third eye started or is it already open?
Answer: Yes, it is the third eye, the pineal gland is moving, waking up.
Question: When one has a closed root chakra but an active crown chakra that indicates that the person wants to be far away in higher dimensions like earlier you said, so if one has only an active 3rd eye gland and sees orbs what does that indicate?
Answer: Why do you think that you have only one chakra active? If your third eye is active it is good. In that way you can see more than others and understand more than others. It is a natural ability, just like using your physical eyes or your hands.
Question: I drink a blood pressure medicine i been trying to get rid of it for many years but my body react when i stop. I know in my heart that i don’t need it… What should i do?
Answer: A high blood pressure indicates unhealed emotional problems, and you need to let go of them. Either from this life or from past lifes. Practice meditation.
Additionally, you can take these herbs for high blood pressure. Valerian, wild garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, lettuce, passionflower, hawthorn, Allium Strath comp, Aurum / Bella Donna comp, Viscum /
A low blood pressure indicates that you did not get enough love as a child, or in the last life, and you are pessimistic. That persons needs SELF LOVE and has to decide to live in the NOW.
Additionally, you can take these herbs for low blood pressure: Nettle, Rosemary, beetroot, thyme tea, Ambra Similiaplex, Angioton S, Aurum/Prunus, Cardiavis N, Cefadysbasin, co-Hypt spag.,
Conva-Cyl, Hypotonie-Gastreu R44, Infi-Camphora Drops, Levico comp., Rubellit D10, Skorodoit globules.
Question: Is it possible to have a highly developed crown and a closed root chakra?
Answer: Of course. That is the case when you don’t want to live here and want to be far away in higher dimensions. Earth humans have rarely all chakras at once activated and in Balance.
Question: I feel like i am eating too much. I meditate daily but i can’t stop eating so much. But i never gain any weight and people say i am too skinny. I remember you saying that when a person is not receiving enough love energy from others they eat a lot. Is that all or is there more to it?
Answer: That is all. You are loosing energy somehow and you try to get it back by eating.
Question: Is it good to be popular? When a lot of people knows you. I want to be an actor so it does matter to me.
Answer: Well, if you are popular, you have to protect yourself from the thoughts and energies of millions of people.
Question: Are there special rules for meditating? I mean poses, breathing control, time and place of it.
Answer: Rules? There is only one rule: Calm down, relax.
Question: Already long i can not learn to leave in an astral. It is necessary for me. With energy at me everything is all right. Prompt in what the reason? As I develop the third eye. Prompt experts for development the sixth charkas. And still. I need to remember my antecedents. Prompt as. I tried hypnosis. It is impossible.
Answer: Don’t force anything. Everything has to come at the right time.
Question: In my meditations i often come to the point, where my body is so far relaxed, that i can’t feel my body anymore an in the meanwhile i can see very clearly a fine turning spiral in a green tone… This is new for me! Now i would like to dive in further in this experience, but how i can do that? In this state i can only observe the spiral, feel and think…. What does this mean?
Answer: The only thing you have to concentrate on is LOVE ENERGY and the rest will come automatically at the right time.
Question: What happen to the Mysophobia disease or Cleanliness disease, is it the past life experience?
Answer: Yes, past life traumas with death from bacteria. The fear energy from that past life trauma is not healed.
Question: I always have had and still since birth a twinkling burning high energy sensation in my feet and hands , even when i sleep my fits don’t stop twinkling and my hands and sometimes i wake up because off it, i asked doctors and they say; you have hyper-drive nerves but i don’t believe that what could it be and i still got it?
Answer: Your body adapts to the higher frequency, and the hot feeling is only temporary.
Question: Alaje is normal, some souls try to comfort us after we have been affected by negative people or souls?
Answer: Yes.
Question: I have an idea… Why don’t we synchronize our meditations in time? We could agree to meditate every day at 8 pm according to the UTC time (London, Dublin), if possible. Or maybe some other time that would be acceptable to most people. This would be better than us meditating separately, i think. What do you think?
Answer: We have done this already in the past 2 years, but it is better when everybody is doing it in his time, when everybody feels it is the right time, with the right energy.
Question: Recently i seem to be gaining quite a bit of weight, and i have not changed my eat habits at all, i eat very healthy and i do not over eat. I wonder is this something to do with energy?
Answer: Yes, investigate what energies, what emotions you have inside that are causing a chemical change in your physical body.
Question: Why it is so difficult to feel love and to meditate with love? I want to develop myself, but i can’t – it’s too hard for me… Why?
Answer: Because you are living in the wrong environment, with negative energies that are disturbing you, blocking you, distracting you. Find a place where you can feel LOVE again. Find a place where you can feel your HEART ENERGY again.
Question: What does it mean to listen to the song of our heart? Is just about listen to our hearts in meditation? The Council of 9 of The Galactic Federation of Light said something like that… I didn’t quite understand it.
Answer: It means to listen to your Soul.
It means to listen to the existence (god).
It means to listen to friendly, loving energies and not to the hate, ego, to arrogance or envy.
It means to listen to the energy called LOVE.
I am talking about it in all my videos.
Question: Since i have started meditating i feel somethings watching me. Truthfully it starting to scare me. I always have a thought about Greys in my head and can’t seem to get it out. Also since i can’t sleep unless someone is awake because i feel something there.
Answer: Earth humans are monitored and watched since millions of years by all kind of beings.
Question: What is the spiritual cause of Epileptic seizure? Can it just be for a karmic reason?
Answer: Seizures are indicating that a negative energy, or a negative being from the lower astral dimension or many negative beings (demons, evil dead people, astral parasites) are disturbing the energy, the body and the consciousness of the victim. Negative energy is disturbing the energy flow of the body and a healing with a high frequency of love is necessary. Sometimes this can happen out of negative karma from past lifes. As i say in my videos, sooner or later, everything we do comes back. It is the universal law of cause and effect.
Question: My body temperature is always higher than others. About 2 weeks ago, my body temperature suddenly reach to a exceptional much higher point one night, and without any other symptom, it also made me feel very hot. When others touch me, they said it feels like burning. This situation last for about a week, i didn’t take any medicines because i felt there’s no need to do that, then it had gone itself. Is this a sign of my body transformation?
Answer: Yes, it’s your energy in your body.
Question: My aunt has a problem with her kidneys. She has began doing kidney dialysis now. What can you share with us on this particular healing topic? In-terms of the spiritual story behind such an ailment as well as herbs that help with this particular ailment.
Answer: An infection in the Kidneys shows that someone has a lack of self love. Somebody who feels disappointed and angry like a child. The Kidneys are filtering toxins and negative emotions out
of the blood and are regulating the water in the body. If you have to much negative emotions like anger, it will manifest stones in the kidneys. You have to keep the kidneys warm, physically and
emotionally with LOVE. If they get cold, they get an infection, and they can not filter everything. So sometime you loose blood through the urine. It happens more often to women than to men.
Every once a while, humans have to detoxify the kidneys. The nature has plants for that.
You can use: birch, bear-grape (uva-ursi), Barberry, Beans, watercress, or you can go to the pharmacy and get a mixture of natural herbs,like: Albumo-Gastreu R64, Renes/Equisetum comp.
Question: Is it good to activate Kundalini energy with yoga?
Answer: Activate HEART energy.
Question: Alaje can you tell me please how to heal my Strabismus?
Answer: The cause in every natural disease is always in the energy level, and if you don’t heal it there, it manifests in the physical level. You always have to think about, what the body is trying to tell you. If someone has problems with his eyes, like strabismus, then there is something he don’t want to see, or is afraid of, and he should meditate about it and create SELF LOVE, in order to heal the energy, the cause. In addition, on the physical level you can use the plant Euphrasia officinalis. You can use it as eye drops or you can make a tea of it, and bath your eyes with it, in order to heal inflammation, blurred vision and eye fatigue. In nearsightedness, you have to train your eyes, when you go outside, look far away and close. Back and forth.
Question: The menstrual cycle, is this a “genetic error” made when humans on earth we’re being altered by different races who came here from other star systems, or is this normal for the third dimension?
Answer: Yes, the first one.
Question: Is getting old just a sign of beeing not in tune with the source ? I mean can someone stop the aging process, if he totally is in tune with the source? Anything is possible right?
Answer: Yes, that is one reason, and the other reason is because the vibration on Earth is low.
Question: I would like to know why i always have noise in my head like music sounds, voices (sometimes good or bad )or even conversations of people i know and is their a way to erase it because it kinda disturb me i tried to silence it but it always comes back as soon as i think of something else.
Answer: This is called TELEPATHY.
Question: Do you know the cause of psychiatric problem, that we call “Reactive Attachment Disorder”?
Answer: That comes from negative energies, negative experiences, negative programming from past lifes.
Question: What is the cause of constipation?
Answer: This means you do not want to let go of old things or old energies. Want to to stay in the past. You want to keep the old energies. The energy is not flowing – so digestion is not working.
Question: Do you know what is the cause for the teeth breaking apart? My friend is 34 years old, since she was very little always had problems with tooth pains, she had amalgam in their molars, but since a few years ago, her molars has been breaking apart, she does not have any molars on the back, she just eat with her teeth from the front, she is very afraid that she will not have any teeth at all in a few years, is there anything that she can say in her meditation besides sending cosmic love to her teeth?
Answer: Teeth are standing for Decisions. Teeth-problems are showing that somebody can’t make a decision. Bleeding Gums show that somebody has a lack of joy about decisions in Life. A lack of trust in the own decisions in life. A lack of Self Love. And as I say in my Videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. For teeth gums inflammation you can use these natural herbs: Bryonia Strath comp., Calcium, Magnesium, Phytolacca forte Vitaplex N, Ratanhia Mouthwash, Vulpur spag, Salviathymol, Kamistad.
Question: I would know what is the cause of genital Condyloma for a girl and how to cure it?
Answer: A Venereal disease shows that the patient has a problem with sexuality and rejects the own physical body, the own genitals. He has a lack of SELF-LOVE. As i say many times:” Thoughts and feelings are energy and are creating our reality.” -”LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. This person is programmed from the negative believe systems of the earth society and religion cults and either believes that he/she has guild and need a punishment, or things that sexuality is an infamy and that there is a god with a beard who will punish him/her. These negative thoughts are implanted into earth humans since thousands of years in order to keep them in fear and weak.
Question: My friend has a daughter that is 9 years old ans she is very sick. The doctors diagnose the child that she has a viral pneumonia but they are not sure. She is constantly vomiting blood, and she can not digest any food. The mother is very concern that the daughter can not stop vomiting blood is there any natural remedy that this child can take?
Answer: An inflammation in children shows that the child don’t like the energy in the family. It shows an “inflammation” in the family. The child does not feel harmony and feels fear and anger. It does not like the situation and therefore it is vomiting. Anger, bitterness, and lack of joy can create viruses in the body. The child needs the energy of real love that comes from the heart of the parents. Not only from the speech. It needs the feeling of peace, protection and love in order to feel secure and happy. For all inflammations use frankincense capsules (Boswellia serrata). In addition, you have to strengthen the immune system with: Cosmic light energy of LOVE, Vitamins, Cistus Incanus, BVK (Roche), Gingseng.
Question: Are meditations you proposed enough to clean up myself? What about additional technics like holotropic breathwork (by Stanislav Grof), regression therapy etc.
Answer: Not every meditation technic that you can find is working for everybody. Because many of those technics are complicated rational-head-based and not soul-heart-spirit-feeling based. I give only meditations that are working for everybody. Go by your soul-heart-feeling to decide which meditation is giving you a real benefit.
Question: What has gaining weight to do with energy? Where is the problem and how to solve it?
Answer: Weight problems indicate that someone cannot let go of the past, of past energies, past negative emotions and thoughts, sorrow, sadness and pain, and is still holding on to them. It indicates also that someone has a lack of sexuality and true inner joy. As i say in my videos and comments, “Energy is the cause of everything and it has an influence on the chemical processes of the physical body”. Many people eat too much because they use food as a substitute for missing love. They don’t get enough love energy from others, and this is making them feel sad and empty. They try to fill the inner emptiness with food, in order to feel better. Especially with sweets and junk-food. Others are using smoking and alcohol. And again….As i say in my videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. Because love is the highest frequency of the Existence, that is able to heal and transform everything.
Question: I would like to know about Alzheimer’s disease. My aunt 15 years ago was walking in the street and a car hit her and after that she has this disease. Is it possible with love and light to be healed after so many years?
Answer: Alzheimer indicates that a person is refusing to accept the world as it is and feels hopelessness and anger. With that kind of thinking those people are attracting situations that make things worse. They are blocking the natural healing flow and help of the existence (god). Everybody has a free will and everybody is responsible for his own thinking and doing.
As i say in my videos: “Our thoughts and emotions are creating our future”. As a human on Earth, everybody has the lesson to learn to control his thoughts and emotions in order to develop and become spiritual. In order to be able to incarnate on higher dimensions. As i say in my videos: “Everything can be healed, if the cosmic love energy is high enough”, “If you want to change a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy”.
Question: Any info you have on Parkinson’s Disease will be helpful for me.
Answer: Cause of Parkinson disease: Indication for Fear, trying to escape from something or someone. Solution: The cosmic energy of LOVE, Meditation, Self-love, Trust in the existence (god).
Question: My father is a patient of diabetes. He needs to daily take insulin doses. What is the cause of diabetes and what natural herbs can he use to help his condition? He had quit eating meat earlier and has reduced his drinking. His smoking has also decreased. However, recently he started eating meat again (although in much less frequently than earlier).
Answer: People with Diabetes have lost the „Sweetness” of life and are longing to have it back. They have sorrow and grief. That is why most of them are smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too much, have too much stress, because the try to compensate the energy-loss and emptiness. But that makes Diabetes even worse and they can get heart attacks or arteriosclerosis.
They have to trust in life again. Trust in the existence and their life plan. Trust that everything in life has a reason and they have to look what the lesson is they have to learn and solve. If a soul don’t solve it in this life, they have to solve it in the next life, that’s why there are even babies born with diabetes. People with Diabetes have to use the affirmation: “I love my self”, “I trust the existence and i am open to experience the sweetness of life”. They have to exercise their body and get rid of stress.
In addition: Green beans, nettle, Elecampane tea, blueberry, elderberry tea, potatoes, burdock, And one of these: Chichorium/ Pancreas comp, Compositum Truw 94 ½ Pankreas, Diabetobal forte N, Glucorect spag, Mezereum forte Vitaplex, Phaseolus Similiaplex, Speci-chol spag.
Question: Could you tell me if you know a herb or something like that, that can cure multiple sclerosis? I have to help my closest person in life.
Answer: Multiple sclerosis is an inflammation of the nerves and the brain, where parasites are formed in the brain and spine.
This inflammation can occur from different reasons:
1) — from stubbornness, narrow-mindedness, mental toughness, stubbornness, fear,
2) — from amalgam / mercury in the teeth and other heavy metals from various sources.
3) — from meat and fish: fish and other animals are heavy metal contaminated, because of the poisons of the industry.
4) — For people who work at gas stations or in garages, there is a risk that they have gasoline, kerosene and benzene in the body/blood.
5) — from drinking water with chlorine and fluorine.
6) — from toxins of nuclear reactors.
SOLUTION = LOVE FREQUENCY, no meat eating, frankincense capsules (Boswellia serrata), potassium Phosphoricum, take out amalgam, and then detoxify with Taraxacum comp. or Tinktura Basdanae, from
all the heavy metals (such as mercury) detoxify with Toxex or Medicinal charcoal.
Question: Whats the best way to stop from losing hair and how to grow it back.
Answer: I have answered this already in my older public comments. The body is the temple of the soul. Hairs are like antennas for cosmic energy. A sensing device. Just like the branches of a tree, or the sensors of an insect or other animals. In addition, you can find in the hair stored memories of past experiences, that is why some people cut unconsciously the hair, when they had a traumatic experience. In fact, the whole body is an antenna for cosmic energies and the hair is the outer branches who are more sensitive.
Hair loss is a sign that the energy flow of that “antenna” is blocked. A sign for having stress, fears, trying to control everything with the rational mind, not trusting in the divine way of life. So LOVE is again the solution for that problem. Self love and trust to the Source (god). In addition you can eat Millet Seed (Gramineae/Poaceoe) that helps the hair to grow, too. There are Millet capsules, too. For skin, hair and nails you can also use SILICEA once in a while.
Question: Alaje, do you know of a natural cure for cancer?
Answer: As i said in my videos, diseases are coming from negative energies or suppressed unhealed emotions, some are from karmic reasons, some are to learn a lesson, and some are manufactured from the secret world government.
With the high frequency of cosmic love, you can transform all negative energies. As i say in my videos: “LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING”. You can heal everything if the energy you are using is high enough. And the highest energy you can create is LOVE-ENERGY. This energy can transform and heal physical reality. You can transform, your food, your water, your body, everything. Nothing is more powerful than the energy of the existence (god).
If you create the energy of fear or hate in you, you are blocking the higher energy to act. Because you are controlling this energy. You have free will. You are the master of your inner development. The existence is responding to your wish. Any disease want to tell you something. If you have recognized this, you can heal yourself. Many people have already who had recognized this, healed themselves.
Hatred, envy, resentment or deep sadness can cause cancer. So the first thing you have to do is to create LOVE energy in your heart and forgive the problem from the past.
More Anti-cancer herbs are:
Artichoke, Valerian, birch, carrot, garlic, cabbage, milk thistle, parsley, marigold, chives, juniper, hawthorn, cinnamon, onion, Siberian ginseng. Drink beetroot, enzymes and vitamins to take
mistletoe products.
There are also Herbs that you can buy in the pharmacy:
Alcangrol, Conium Similiaplexes, Derivatio H, Eleu-cocci, Pflügerplex Argentum, Pflügerplex Baptisia, Premna integrifolia complex, Wobenzym, cancer tea the Indians:’s claw (Uncaria
There are also natural methods of treatment:
Ozone therapy, Ionozonbath.
Question: Do you know what food or plants can help against radiation?
Answer: Sea kelp.
Question: Hi, I’ve been plagued by Eczema. My feet are swollen and the itching is unbearable. I tried herbs and oils. But to no avail. What should i do? The doctor just gives me steroid creams – that helps for a little while and then it’s back. Any suggestions appreciated. I also have read the what you’ve said on Eczema and unfortunately they didn’t work for me.
Answer: Skin problems or skin inflammation come often when you have fears, or if you are caring old anger that you don’t want to let go. Acne comes from many reasons: of the pollution of the air and the food, sugar, chocolate, junk food, hamburgers, eating animal-corpses, stress or from the genetics that you get from your parents.
Besides vegetarian eating, you can use SILICA to heal the skin. Rosacea can appear also when you are drinking coffee and alcohol. For skin, hair and nails you can use SILICEA once in a while. The use of spiritual LIGHT in Meditation and Self-Love is necessary in all skin problems.
Question: Is it true that these crystals, for example Quartz, are good to have in your home?
Answer: Yes, they are energy storages, data memory and energy amplifiers.
Question: I’ve watched your videos series for 4 days and i do as what you said, i do feel joy, but there is something i don’t know, why i think i need your guide. My sleep is decrease since the first time i feel my spirit is with great joy, but my body seems not, and got sick, at the same time, i can’t fall in sleep, i don’t know why and how to solve this.
Answer: A i say in my videos, this is a sign that you are in the process of transformation. Your physical body is adjusting to the higher frequencies and in order to do this, he has to get rid of lower energies with a cleansing. This could cause that you feel sick for a short time until you get used to the new energies.
Question: What do you think about pineal gland and about sungazing? Because doing safe sungazing, step by step following Hira Ratan Manek metod, pineal gland will be bigger and bigger. Who did not hear for sungazing, he can find in my play list, how he can do and when he can do sungazing.
Answer: Yes, that is very good, but only when the sun is low and red.
Question: Last time i feel the state of detachment/isolation from the reality. I feel focused only on my internal dialogue. What’s wrong with me?
Answer: Everyone goes through a phase of isolation and loneliness one day. This is important, because it helps to listen to the inner voice of the soul. Then comes a phase where one has to deal with many people. You always go through phases in life. Life is in constant flow and movement like water and that is triggering development.
Question: What shall I do to get rid of dermatophytis? What is the cause? I fast, I mediate…sometimes it almost vanishes completely but then it comes back…
Answer: Fungal skin infections can have lots of different causes. Genetical predisposition (increased sweat secretion) or from a lack of hygiene, or an allergy to soaps, emotional stress, fear/phobias or anger. You can take skin creams for the fungus in question, but you should also learn to be in emotional balance. Meditation and laughing can positively influence and heal the biochemical and energetical processes in your body. With a fungal infection, it is important to know that you should continue the treatment up to 2 months even if you can’t see the fungus at the surface of your skin anymore. Only that way you can completely heal it and prevent it from coming back.
Question: Almost 2 weeks ago i started feeling a very strong heat on my neck and my head, it is so strong that makes me sweat on my cheeks, it only lasts 1 or 2 minutes and then it goes away, and around 1 or 2 hours later i feel the same heat again, even while i sleep. I’ve been meditating but it hasn’t helped. What am i doing wrong? Why does this happen? How can i stop it?
Answer: That is just an activation of the neck chakra. That is normal. In time it will balance out.
Question: Can i express my views? Most of fruits and vegetables have a high energy,but you can’t say which one is the highest, just like Traditional Chinese Medicine say: all the foods have the two opposing principles in nature (Yin and Yang), it depends on your body or energy which is fit to you, for you that’s the highest energy. For example, i can’t eat “cold characteristic” food because my cold body characteristic, i should keep the BALANCE of yin and yang energy….is that right?
Answer: Yes, that is right.
Question: Whats better for your face, keeping it natural and just showering with water, or using soap like dove, also i know u said honey is good, just for eating or do u actually put it on your face?
Answer: Of course you have to wash your skin with water and you should use a mild soap free shower gel. Honey is of course good for eating, and you can put it on wounds for healing, too.
Question: I stayed at a negative place with high level of noise, air, water and light pollution, feel collapse after 2 weeks, what can i do to get myself in tune again? I tried to do the video 4 and video 6 and 10 meditation, but i noticed my energy has changed, how can i get rid of all these negative that i brought back from that place? Specially the noise, whenever i am beginning to tune into the meditation, the noise is raise in my head. I’m taking some detox medication from health shop it’s with some fibre, milk thistle and galium aparine herb, do you think these will help?
Answer: Well if you life in a noisy place and you can’t move somewhere else, you can use earplugs during the meditation.
Question: Which is the different of the state of “a out of body experience” and the “meditation state”, is “a out of body experience” is useful for our evolvement, because of the realization that our real nature is our immortal soul?
Answer: Astral projection is only good, when it comes naturally. EVERYBODY is traveling naturally in the astral dimension while sleeping, but unconscious. The conscious Astral traveling should come naturally too, by it self. Not by force. Because if you open a door to early, and you don’t have the wisdom for it, you can make mistakes, channel wrong informations from bad entities, or worse.
First you have to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, because in the astral dimension, your thoughts and feelings are manifesting in an instance. You must have love in your thoughts and emotions, in order to manifest and attract only love energy. You have to be an adult in your mind. If you have hate, fear or depression inside, you will manifest it.
Question: What’s the reason of Scheuermann’s disease?
Answer: Bone deformities like in the Scheuermann’s disease are a sign of stress, tension, a sign of feeling hemmed and constricted. Muscles and mind can not stretch themselves. Loss of mental mobility. So you should learn in life to relax and focus on the conscious own spiritual development. As i say in my videos, the cause of everything is energy.
Negative energies like aggressiveness, hate, fear, stress or sadness are keeping your energy low. It is altering the molecular structure of the body – making the body weak – and is causing deformations, heart attacks, cancer, abscess appendicitis Rheumatism, brain dysfunction and other diseases.
Question: What do you think about the Crohn’s disease? I suffer it 10 years and medicine doesn’t know neither a treatment nor a cause of it. What should i search for in a mental level?
Answer: A gastrointestinal disease shows you, that you haven’t solve certain things, blockades, unhealed emotions in life, you have not digest them, or have not released fears. If a lot of negative emotions from the past are not solved for years, like anger, sorrow or sadness, this energy begins to manifest physically as inflammation, cancer or heart attack.
It is a warning system to tell you that you need to improve your awareness. It tells you that you have to release old unwanted negative energies and to direct your energy to your positive, spiritual development. Direct your awareness to the energy of love. The energy of love is the energy of the existence (God).
Question: I have a question about Morgellons disease, which is a very strange disease where people receive cuts and stings all over their body and even find plastic like fibers sprouting out of their skin. The medical community are horrible as they prescribe psychiatric drugs to these poor people disregarding that they have a real disease, rather insanity. Is this a disease manufactured from the secret gov. or is their a spiritual cause and how can one be treated or cured?
Answer: Well, the Morgellons disease could be a result from chem trails and genetic manipulated food.
Question: I write to you because my mother has such disease as Hypophyseal adenoma. Please, could you explain for what this to her (I think it is punishment (maybe for sins, or, living out of existence rules) and what is the way out (how to heal)?
Answer: A brain tumor is a sign that one is unspiritual, computer-like, too much rational “head thinking” and not enough heart thinking. A sign of stubbornness, refusing to change old patterns of thought.
Question: Since childhood, i often bleed from the nose. In what may be the reason? And how to stop it?
Answer: When the nose is bleeding, it means that you have the desire for recognition. You are feeling overlooked and not recognized. You are crying out for love. It is a sign for missing self esteem. So you have to learn to love yourself and see that you are a part of the existence (god) and therefore precious. Your true self is the soul, and the soul is pure energy.
Question: I have this terrible stomach ulcer that’s making my life miserable, i can’t see a doctor because economic reasons, I’ve been having it for almost 4 years, and today i had the courage to ask a question…Alaje what would you suggest for my stomach ulcer?
Answer: Stomach problems show that you have fears, you can’t “digest” new things in life. So you have to learn to trust life and your life plan.
Question: Sometimes, i have some shivers during my meditation, and i don’t know, what is the cause of this? It is not about shiver from cold temperature, but i think, it is about feelings or emotions…
Answer: It is just the energy that you feel. The physical body reacts to the energy of your energy body.
Question: Can those copper spirals (that birth control device) be poisonous to the body? I’ve considered to get one since i don’t react well to hormone pills, but it’s hitting my mind a lot, that i read in the informational brochure, that they DO RELEASE COPPER into the body as a part of the birth control effect… They are also free… Kinda like aids treatments, fluor to the water, mercury amalgams that are so cheap… Aint that kinda suspicious?
Answer: If i were a woman, I would not use it.
Question: What is the cause for ear pain? I believe I have an inflammation of the middle ear but what is the cause that I have such a strong pain in my right ear? What does this situation want to tell me?
Answer: Any problem with ears is caused by refusing to listen to the truth of the source, to the soul, to the love. Especially when the person is arrogant, egoistic, or has negative thoughts, the
soul is trying to warn the person with an alarm in the ear. Thoughts and feelings are energy, and if they are negative, they are making a person sick. It is a frequency of the source (god), that
is trying to tell you, that you are blocking the spiritual flow and the love. This person has to meditate and concentrate on:
“What is it, that i don’t want to hear?”
“I am open to hear anything, that life is trying to tell me”.
“I allow the Love in my Heart, to heal me”
Question: Already a year has passed since i began to suffer from bursitis in my right knee, doctors are not capable to help me. I have a hard time, because it prevents from me normal walking, walk etc. Could you please advise me a natural remedy? And what might be possible to heal with healing energy generated from my thoughts?
Answer: The legs are the symbol for moving on. If there is a problem with the legs, you may have fear oft the Future. Fear of moving on. In any case of inflammation, you can use Boswellia serrata pills.
Question: I would like to know how it feels inside when you experience your “first changes”? In my last meditations I had something I would call a tickling feeling and my head felt dizzy. Well, could you tell me what that means?
Answer: Well, like I already said in my previous videos, the physical body adapts itself to new energies, the frequency of your body changes as well as the organs. This is happening slowly since decades. Depending on how you develop spiritually, the changes will be perceived differently.
Question: I’m really concerned about my lower back injury and my neck injury. I’m guessing that probably means that my root chakra and throat chakra are blocked. What would you recommend, i should to unblock them unblocked?
Answer: You have to exercise the back to build up the muscles, and if you have an inflammation in your back, you can use Boswellia serrata.
Question: During a meditation is it better to visualize just white pure light or can we use other colors?
Answer: Yes you can use other colors too, but white is the most powerful.
Question: What kind of drink should we avoid milk or juice?
Answer: Drink Juice with no sugar and Rice-Milk.
Question: I was wonder can you explain the cause of Tourettes syndrome please?
Answer: Tourette syndrome, or twitches are caused by an imbalance in the body energy. The light energy flow in the body is disturbed and the nerves are not functioning correctly. This could be a sign for a possession from negative entities, or fears, or having the feeling of being watched all the time.
Question: The dentist just replaced amalgams from my mouth with resins and a still have an appointment for another replacement. I wanted to know which is the best natural treatment for detoxification of mercury from my body?
Answer: After you take all the Amalgam out and replace it with ceramics, you have to detoxify your body from all the poison that is left. These Herbs can help: Taraxacum comp., Tinktura Basdanae.
Question: What is your opinion about EMF balancing technique?
Answer: Everything i am talking about is about electromagnetic frequencies, because EVERYTHING is energy. The highest electromagnetic frequency is the frequency of LOVE. As i say in my videos: LOVE IS THE KEY – LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING.
Question: I would like to ask yo a recommendation about to release anxiety. I’m very anxious like many family members, who have used anxiolytics. It happens to me that when i meditate, i can feel my heart accelerated, my impatience and realize that it has been there for many time. Sometimes, when i meditate, i get desperate or pessimistic because anxiety remains or even increases, but i know that it is consequence of the impatience. So, how can i be out of the circle of the anxiety? And how can i discover the meaning of it?
Answer: In order to find out why you have anxiety, you have to calm down, relax and receive the understanding from within. In other words, you have to meditate. You can use the natural herb “St. John’s wort” to relax or you take a warm bath with Himalayan Salt crystals. And then in the meditation, ask your higher self to show you the reason for your anxiety. Examine your life and see what area is disturbing you.
Question: Hello Alaje, what is the cause of tooth pain from a spiritual point of view?
Answer: Not being able to make your own decisions.
Question: Alaje, a good friend of mine has thrombosis. What can be the cause for that?
Answer: With thrombosis the blood flow is blocked. In other words, you have an energetic blockade which will have an effect on the physical body. It is a sign of “not trusting life”, “not being in tune with the energy of life”, “not being in tune with the existence”, “not allowing the cosmic energy to flow”, “fear of life”.
Question: My question might not be too big of a deal, but do you perhaps know the reason for hair loss or what one can do so the hairs grow again? I heard that this doesn’t have to do with hormones and the cause lies somewhere else, because I’m just 21 years old and don’t want to lose all my hair already.
Answer: Hair loss comes from fear, stress, being a control freak and not trusting life. Love yourself and your life. Love is the solution for everything.
Question: What do the thyroid-related health problems come from? (i have searched for it in your questions and answers list, but there i just found a general explanation of throat problems) i am trying to understand, what must be healed in myself?
Answer: If you have problems with the throat, it means that the throat chakra has a block.
There are 4 reasons for that Block:
1. It means that there is a block, because others have programmed you to be quiet.
You are not able to speak for yourself, to have your own opinion, to speak the truth.
You have not the courage to express yourself.
2. It can also mean that the block is there, because you have to learn first to treat people nice. After you learn to talk to people with love, the block will disappear.
3. Because of withholding anger.
4. Because you refuse to change yourself.
Question: I have been sleeping alot, and my parents see this and call it depression. I know now my sleep has more to do with the Earth changes than it does with me. Bu,t because of what my parents call depression, they have forced me to take anti depressants. I did not want this, but if i resisted, they said, they would throw me out of the house. I am 18 and still in high school, i have no money, and no where to go. My question was if their is any herbal remedies, or any thing i can do to reverse the damage that the anti depressant Prozac (Fluoxetine) is doing to my pineal gland.
Answer: You can take Ginseng (Panax ginseng).
Question: I feel i am proceeding well with the love in my heart, but at times it seems to become difficult to feel the same and i feel like tired and “discharged”. I am trying to understand why, but i wanted your point of view.
Answer: Well, that is because the energies in the Earth society are not good. That is why you are loosing energy and you feel tired. That is why it is important to meditate and use the energy of the nature, in order to charge yourself again.
Question: I smoke only few a day, will this alone be enough to stop me from progressing to a higher frequency and keep me in the lower astral planes? I have tried to stop, but struggle surely there is hope for me still.
Answer: You have to get rid of ALL poisons in your life, in order to vibrate in a higher frequency, in order to match with the frequency of the higher dimensions. Smoking is blocking you in the way to the higher, spiritual energy.
Question: Alaje, what can I do against depression and/or burnout?
Answer: Start with SELFLOVE.
Do everything that I say in my videos.
The most important is the development of the heart.
You have to eliminate everything that creates negative energy , depression or fear.
1) Avoid negative, angry people, or people who want to steal your energy and control you.
2) Don´t drink alcohol, don’t smoke anything. Avoid places with smokers, because they are filled with negative entities.
3) Change the room you are living.
Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colours.
No dark , depressive pictures.
4) Don´t wear dark clothes, use colours or white.
5) Don´t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst.
Listen to harmonious music, like meditation music or happy music. Music with a high frequency, music with Love.
6) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.
7) Use a good smelling room-perfume. Light beings like angels, like only things
which are smelling good.
8 ) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of
course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like Jump and run
are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.
9) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have
Selflove. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper
on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”
10) Don´t watch negative, evil, horror movies on TV. Watch funny Movies, comics, or exciting movies which trigger your imagination for the universe and a brightful future.
12) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use
Colourful, bright colours. Not dirty, depressive colours.
13) Play an instrument, make music.
14) Take Vitamins and St. John’s wort.
15) Don´t eat meat. If you do all this, you will see that you will change something. Start with SELF LOVE.
Question: Most people in our human behavior and beliefs, think that by rushing in LOVE WITH SOMEONE, is a mistake. But i would like too get a more intelligent source’s opinion. I’m talking of the distorted love, you talk about (In relationships). Is it possible for two people too meet in such a short time and have very strong feelings for each other right away and it be OK?
Answer: Yes, these relationships are karmic relationships. Those people had to meet, it was planed, in order to learn lessons.
Question: In the last decades human beings are getting taller. Is this one of the consequences of the new vibrations coming into Earth?
Answer: No, that is normal. Every generation gets taller. People in the middle age were smaller than people today. It is a natural evolution. On other planets you have humans who can be 10 meters tall.
Question: I don’t know how can i help to my mum. She have Chronic Tonsillitis. After cleaning procedures at the doctor she feels better, but after few days she feels pain again. The doctor offers operation, but he don’t give an absolute guarantee.
Answer: Tonsillitis shows that the throat chakra and the immune system is energetically weak, and therefore infected by bacteria. A blockage in the throat chakra comes when one does not dare to
say something or if you believe that you are not worth to say anything, or if you swallow anger.
One should learn to talk bravely, but with FRIENDLY WORDS .
Healing: meditation and sending the light of love to the throat.
Natural Herbs: Prunella vulgaris tea, chamomile tea, Melissa officinalis tee. Bolus Eukalypti comp., Echinacea oral spray, Lachesis comp., Lymphomyosot.
Question: By living near a tower of communication, is it bad to live near?
Answer: Yes, that is not healthy.
Question: My questions is about purifying water is MMS (MMS is a powerful anti-microbial, antiviral & antibacterial liquid compound) good for your health? Are amalgam teeth filling bad for health having 50% of mercury in it?
Answer: Take amalgam out of the teeth. It is poison. You can replace it with ceramic.
Question: I have an interesting question to you: We all feel, how time is speeding up and hours, days, weeks and months are passing much faster. What is happening with our cells, are we also getting older much faster?
Answer: No.
Question: I read about your opinion of Autism. I have something called Asperger’s Syndrome, which is supposed to be a form of Autism. But i don’t feel like i have an advance soul, and i haven’t noticed any psychic abilities. Could this Aspergers be different than Autism? I have the symptoms like the lack of social interaction and repetitive behavior, but i can take care of myself better than a regular autistic person would. Is it maybe my mind is too rational?
Answer: Well, that is a lower, weak form of autism. There are many levels of autism. Just like you have many levels of a headache or a cold.
Question: You talk lot about expanding your creativity. So, are more creative persons more developed in some way? As for me, drawing has always been my special ability and a healing, when the other kids were drawing scribbles, i was drawing characters.
Answer: Yes, creative people like artists are more developed, because they are using more the energy of the existence (god). Some know it conscious and some have no idea that they are using it.
Question: I meditated to clear blockages of energy 3 days ago and all kind of stuffs happened to me: I couldn’t sleep, my heart beats were so strong and fast that i felt it pouncing in my upper body. Pain in my heart, right brain, right knee, coccyx, back of my neck, back of my head, on my two upper spinal discs, my left tight, i felt my feet numbs, i heard a strong buzzing sound on my right ear, involuntary movements of different parts of my body like electric shocks (including on my right hemisphere of my brain). I felt a lot of gas on my tummy and my middle back, nausea, emptiness in my stomach and sneezing a lot. For the next couples of days i felt so weak, like running fever and the emptiness in my tummy, gases and my digestive system more active then ever. Any explanation to this?
Answer: This is a purification of blocking energies.
Question: Computer work makes me very tired. What can i do to help give me more energy for this work?
Answer: The energy of nature, plants, trees…
Question: When pregnant women goes to doctor for ultrasound to see the fetal, is this dangerous for the fetal (baby)? Does this waves harm?
Answer: Yes, i would not do it. It is not necessary and it is disturbing the baby.
Question: I have been meditating every morning and night the past two months, the closer i get to the light, the more negativity seems to be around me and attacking me… Will this end some day or is it just a test?
Answer: The answer is in my 13 videos. The transformation energies from the existence are getting stronger and negative people are not ready for this and get even more aggressive. Keep concentrating on the light.
Question: Can you tell me what dyslexia really is?
Answer: Dyslexia comes from a defect in a certain part of the brain. Defects in a child brain can develop for example when the parents drink alcohol or smoke during pregnancy.
Question: If there is a good remedy for consequences of menstruation. It affects me a lot physically (dizziness, headache, swelling, general body pain), and emotionally disease.
Answer: Menstruation problems:
Nettle Tea, lady’s mantle tea, chamomile tea, Lovage tea, Yarrow tea, chamomila cupro culta D3, Dysmopas F, Femi-cyl, Menodoron N, Pulsatilla Similiaplex.
Question: Is there an effective remedy for dandruff?
Answer: Use the nettle shampoo for dandruff.
Question: What are your opinions about autism?
Answer: Autists are advanced souls who are using more parts of their brain and more psychic abilities. Autists are NOT handicapped like earth doctors think in their arrogance, who are using only 10% of their brain. They brought their psychic abilities from their past lifes, from higher dimensions. It is the experience that they have chosen. On a higher dimension it is normal to use 100% of the brain, and the psychic abilities like Telepathy. Autists are souls who are the first time on a physical planet and therefore a little bit confused, because of the lower vibration and the insanity of the Earth society.
Question: Is the intake of omega-3 fatty acids advisable or not? If you shouldn’t eat fish then this should count for every part of the fish? Therefore i don’t take them but a possible taking is being hotly discussed elsewhere.
Answer: In order to receive omega 3 you don’t have to eat fish. Omega 3 also occurs in plants that are being eaten by fish. Omega 3 in a healthier form is available in linseed oil. There is a good omega 3 oil from Dr. Udo Erasmus, f.e. here: https://www.natuerlich-quintessence.de/omega-3-oel-nach-udo-erasmus.html
Question: I have a question regarding sleep paralysis. I am experiencing it awfully often. Fortunately i haven’t had any really scary experiences, except for once… Scientists doesn’t seem to have any good explanation and they have no idea what to do about it. What is the cause of sleep paralysis, and what can one do to prevent this?
Answer: Sleep paralysis, is happening when you are loosing suddenly a lot of life-energy. This can be done from negative low astral entities or the Greys (aliens). And they can do it only when your aura, your protection shield is weak. cigarette-drugs, alcohol, negative thoughts or feelings, low energy food like meat, or negative evil people close to you, all these things are weakening the aura and the aura get holes or astral parasites. And through these holes they can penetrate your energy field and steal your energy. You have to strengthen your auric field with a powerful cosmic light and Love. Use my meditations from my videos.
Question: What is the cause for the disease Rosacea (besides the physical meaning)?
Answer: Skin problems or skin inflammation often appear out of fear or old anger that you don’t want to let go. Rosacea can also appear when you drink coffee or alcohol.
Question: What are the reasons (besides the physical level) that cause the occurrence of Sebaceous cysts, Pilonidal cyst in the body?
Answer: Mostly fear.
Question: I like to know what (besides the physical level) causes breathing problems (like eye problems = difficulties to face reality, etc)… like sinusitis.
Answer: Sinusitis in an inflammation that comes when you don’t like something or somebody close to you. When you don’t like the “smell” of something and it makes you upset. Use the Affirmation: i am filled with harmony, peace and love energy.
Question: While meditating, i see very bright and picturesque images of nature, space and light beings. Nevertheless, i cannot help but wonder if it is just my imagination as i do not have direct contact with them (at least not consciously). So how can i differentiate between my wishful thinking and the reality? I cannot shake off this feeling that i am seeing what i simply want to see myself.
Answer: With the spirit, EVERYTHING is possible. EVERYTHING is real, even if it is in another frequency and dimension.
Question: I have a question about Tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears). My mother have this now for over a year. She is a person who refuses to listen to others out of tremendous ego and distorted pride. Do you know what tinnitus is usually caused from in the spiritual/energetic level?
Answer: Any problem with ears is caused by refusing to listen to the truth of the source, to the soul, to the love. Especially when the person is arrogant, egoistic, or has negative thoughts, the soul is trying to warn the person with an alarm in the ear. Thoughts and feelings are energy, and if they are negative, they are making a person sick. It is a frequency of the source (god), that is trying to tell you, that you are blocking the spiritual flow and the love. This person has to meditate and concentrate on: “what is it, that i don’t want to hear?” “I am open to hear anything, that life is trying to tell me”. “I allow the love in my heart, to heal me”.
Question: I still can’t help wondering how different energies work around us and inside us! For example, I have a “friend” – this is a very gloomy and sad person and i try avoid him if possible. But sometimes he just asks me for help, because he is very lonely and we go for a walk on the nature. and EVERY TIME !! from the VERY BEGINNING!! of our meeting I feel like all my energy just disappears somewhere! And I’m sort of exhausted after only 5 minutes of just being with this person! That’s incredible! Does that mean that negative creatures which live in his aura just derive all my energy?
Answer: No, it is just him who is absorbing your energy. He needs to absorb the energy from the universe.
Statement: I just want so send you all a lot of love my friends. I can feel so much love when i am reading here. You creating so much love that no one on Youtube can not hide from it. They all will find this place of love, later or sooner. Its a light that becomes brighter and bigger even over the Internet♥
Answer: Thank you. I hope that a lot of people will find the way of light. Because the secret government, the dark side, is planing a big war. They are expecting that the hate of most people will help their plan. And as i say in my videos, only a powerful energy of love and light can prevent this. Friends, please use my meditation from part 4 of my videos. There is no time for ego games, arrogance and hate any more.
Question: I am wondering what’s your view on different types of sexuality, exploring sexuality and masturbation? I’m sorry if this is offending anyone or making them uncomfortable.
Answer: There is the LOVE-Sexuality and there is the negative-sexuality. The real, pure, clean love-sexuality that comes out of REAL love (and not out of lower energies, lust and crime), can help you to reach higher frequencies and a higher awareness. If you want sex out of lower vices or negative lust, you stay in lower energies. That is why the secret government is using the TV to show sexuality always in combination with crime.
Some people have sexual lust, because they have never been loved really, so they use sex as a substitute to gain love from somebody or they think that they are loved. Those people need to have SELF LOVE first, in order to create another energy and therefore attract the right loving partner who will give them love. Sexuality is an energy-exchange in the third dimension, so it is wise to make it with somebody who has real love and a high consciousness.
If you have the right partner, you can use sexuality to raise your consciousness because love-sexuality is cosmic energy-exchange. The dark side, like church and secret government, know this for thousands of years, that’s why they put sexuality in a bad light (movies, bible…), so you always have bad feelings about it, and never reach the higher energies. The church sect has programmed people for thousands of years, that sex is a sin, and many people still have this program in their consciousness.
It is a natural process in the evolution to use sex. But it should be with clean energies. As you develop higher into higher frequencies, you will have a different interest for sexuality and in even higher dimensions you will not need this physical energy exchange anymore, because you will do it with your consciousness only, without a physical body. As i say in my videos, the physical body in the third dimension is a tool that can help you to feel energies.
Question: Help me Alaje, i have a dear friend who is sick, he drinks a lot and crying …what do i do, for do not drink it to him alcohol?
Answer: When somebody is harming himself with alcohol, it is because he does not love himself. He has feelings of pointlessness, meaninglessness, guilt, self-rejection, inadequacy. It is a person with no spiritual knowledge and lack of self love. He should use these affirmations for a view months: “I love my self”, “I accept myself” , “I am worthwhile”, “I have self-esteem”, “I am living in the NOW and i can create a positive life with my thoughts and feelings”.
Question: When i meditate i feel a very deep connection with everything, i sense feelings and visualize things. Sometimes i feel I’m everywhere and i can’t help to feel scared. After that my mind left restless, i have tons of dreams, not pleasant. My mind is unease and that’s make me stop meditating. I really want to evolve and grow, i know that it’s not going to be easy, and i know that I’ll have to see and solve things that are part of me. Am I doing something wrong? How can i go through that barrier and do it properly?
Answer: As i say in my videos, “your thoughts and emotions are creating your reality”. Because of your fear, you are creating unpleasant dreams. In the dream-state, in the astral dimension, all your thoughts and emotions are increased. First you have to control your thoughts. The first meditation should be to learn to focus only on ONE thought. You can focus on the breath or a candle. Later you can focus on something bigger. In addition, don’t program yourself that it is not easy. Because your thoughts are creating your reality. You will create the reality, that it is not easy. Watch your thoughts, watch how you say something, watch how you program yourself.
Question: There are two forms of meditation, sending and receiving. For example, if you would only receive but send nothing, would that create an imbalance?
Answer: You send and receive all the time. Your TRUE SELF, the soul, sends and receives permanently. Even if your physical, terrestrial self doesn’t notice it.
Question: Please write me about my symbol. I drawing it and then upload it to my profile: http://www.youtube.com/user/snooptux as a picture. I just would like to know that, what is this symbol?Which extraterrestrials use this symbol? I feel it positive resonance.This picture is appeared in my mind approximately since April, this year.
Answer: Symbols are a universal language, and mostly they are coming from your Soul. Meditate on that symbol and ask your soul about it.
Question: I’ve been meditating a lot and a lot of things have changed. My view of the world is one of them. Lately I have been getting very sensitive to all senses. Like, when music is playing in a room, I feel it vibrating through my body. And when I stand near certain people, I feel a force making me walk away from them. Is this normal in the transformation process?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Do you know what the spiritual cause of atrial fibrillation is?
Answer: All heart problems have something to do with emotional problems, missing joy, stress, sadness, anger…. You have to get rid of all these lower energies, and charge yourself with a high energy. This high energy is called LOVE. Use this affirmation a few ew months: love and joy is flowing through my heart.
Question: I heard several times that our body changes from carbon to crystals because of the transformational process. Is this true?
Answer: The crystal structures in the body were there all the time and will always be there.
Question: I want to ask you about vegetarian. I try not eating meat but some friends that was vegetarian in the past told me that they get sick after 3 or 5 years and start eating meat again. Does it has to do that they don’t evolve their spirituality or something else?
Answer: Yes, you have answered your question yourself. As i said in older comments, when you have a powerful spiritual light, a high frequency in your body, you don’t want to eat something that is in a low frequency. I am vegetarian my whole life and i was never sick. You can only become sick, when your energy is against the natural energy of the existence. Those who get sick are those who are creating negative energies inside them. (Hate, fear, stress, sadness….)
Question: Sunlight is good for us, right? But i am wondering why we will look older when we have more sunbathe?
Answer: Well, you should not overdo the sunbathing when the sun is strong. The frequency of the entire solar system increases and thus also the sun radiation. Only when the physical body also has a higher frequency, it can also be in the sun longer without prejudice.
Statement: Dear brothers and sisters of light, if you want to meditate and do light work for this planet, then don’t wait until everyone agrees on the same time. As Alaje says in his videos, “time and space is flexible” so it is not necessary to do meditation simultaneously. On the astral plane, we’ll all meet anyway to do this, so don’t lose yourself in a waiting loop and just start with it! Earth needs us.
Question: Are meditations from your videos really necessary to do in order to help the mother Earth? I like your meditations but it’s just quite hard for me, to sit still and meditate. I just prefer walking on the nature or doing something more active and concentrate on positive… Is meditation the only way, how i can help?
Answer: If you are concentrating generally on positive energy it is OK, but if you focus and direct your positive energy on healing the planet, the energy is much more effective, because it is focused.
Question: I did a meditation as in video 4 and i think i left my body for 3 seconds. I was able to see the room where i was in, and then everything went back to normal, but i felt a strong energy and i felt hot and saw violet lights. Can you tell me what happened?
Answer: This is absolutely normal if you increase your frequency.
Question: Tell me please how the microwave oven impact on the food (negative or neutral)?
Answer: NEVER use a microwave for your food. Microwaves are altering the molecular structure of the food. Microwaves are destroying all the Vitamins and good energies in the food. So you are eating a dead food with a low energy. It is a negative genetic DNA manipulation that will cause the genetic DNA manipulation in your body too. So you get sick and your consciousness stays low.
Question: Is it possible that a rainbow is the result of a light meditation? Because yesterday I did a threefold meditation as opposed to a normal one, and the next day a beautiful rainbow was there, stretching over several kilometers.
Answer: Of course it is possible that a rainbow is the result of a light meditation, because as I said in my videos, everything is energy, and everything is connected energetically with each other. Everything affects everything.
Question: We are a small group that meditate all at the same time, my question is, if we grab our hands, does it make the meditation more powerful? do we have to meditate all the same time or place to increase the energy towards our goal?
Answer: There are many kinds of meditations. Some are for your own development, which you have to do alone, and some are group meditations, in order to concentrate as much positive energy to something. In those meditations, it is not necessary to hold hands, because the auric energy of all people is interconnected. But if it helps you to visualize more easy that the group is connected with energy, you can hold hands.
Question: Is it okay to meditate during night, like 2-3 a.m.? I want to know this, because i don’t want to attract any negative forces and they are known to operate during night.
Answer: That is even better, because everything is quiet and you can have a deep meditation.
Question: You say that sweet things like chocolate are no good. What about honey?
Answer: Yes, Honey is VERY good. It can heal the skin.
Question: What does it mean, when you feel like eating too much?
Answer: When you lose energy, out of negative things, situations, fears, stress…,your body want energy, to fill the energetic emptiness, and if you don’t do it with meditation and spiritual energy, you are doing it with physical food.
Question: When we have a nightmare what is happening with our soul and with our body and mind?
Answer: In a nightmare, you are facing the fears and negative thoughts that your Earth mind is creating.
Question: What can replace meat, because this protein is necessary for life, can I eat fish or not?
Answer: Soya, tofu, nuts, beans, rice milk.....
Question: Advise me please, i can’t find a job, what can i do, i need money to ensure my family?
Answer: Watch my 13 videos. There i say that your thoughts and feelings create your reality. Use Meditation.
Question: I am very ill with colitis. I eat only steamed veg and some fish. No wheat, or dairy. No junk food. I take neem, vit B,C,D,magnesium Omega 3, l-Glutamine, turmeric, and evening Primrose oil. I have been tested for parasites. It is very painful for me to eat and i spend a lot of time on the toilet, the pain and discomfort is driving me crazy! Can you suggest anything that will heal my gut?
Answer: Now in the colitis, except of the energy level, you have to consider 6 things on the physical level, too:
(A) –The lack of fiber-rich food. Brown bread is better than white bread. White bread and animal corpses can stay 2-3 days in the intestine and can create toxins.
(B) — Do not suppress the action of the bowels. Listen to the natural rhythm of the body.
(C) — The lack of body movement. If you sit a lot in combination with stress, the bowel is paralyzed and it is not functioning correctly. It is loosing water and the content becomes hard and
(D) — Avoid stress and Agitation. Use meditation to relax.
(E) — Pay attention to what you are eating. Don’t eat animal corpses. They have a low frequency and the death-fear energy stored inside, along with hormones from the industry and genetic
manipulated food. Don’t eat eggs who can have salmonellae. Don’t eat rotten food that can cause fungal diseases.
(F) — Never take any Antibiotics. They are destroying the necessary good intestinal bacteria.
So the problem in colitis, is the poisoning of the body with negative energies and food that stayed to long in the bowel. These toxins end up in the blood and should be healed as soon as
possible. Nature has some herbs for this: Stinging Nettle Tea, Dill Tea, Flax seed, Prune Juice. In the Pharmacy you can get homeopathic herbs: Plumbum Pentarkan S, Aquilinum comp., Chole-Cyl,
Defaeton spag., Gentiana comp., Hepatodoron.
Question: Are sweets good for our bodies? Since i am a vegan, i like sweets kind of too much. It is natural and healthy?
Answer: Sweets are a substitute for love, when you are feeling sad. No, it is NOT natural and NOT healthy. All you need is a clean energy in you, and your body will be clean too.
Question: Is every sport negative and harmful for developing the love in your heart? I ask you because i do martial arts.
Answer: If you do sport to satisfy ego, hate, aggression, competition thinking, satisfaction that you beat somebody else, feeling superior over others, it is harmful and is keeping you in lower frequencies. If you do sport and gymnastic out of fun and health, to keep the physical body in shape, it is good.
Question: I can feel and control some energy flow, some very pleasant vibrations in my body. Mostly the favorite music starts these vibrations. Is it Kundalini energy? Can you give me some instruction for it?
Answer: When you feel the energy, you are not just using the kundalini energy. It is an electrical reaction because your emotional body gives the energy to the physical body. When the kundalini is activated, it is more than feeling. With an activated kundalini energy, you can also see with the third eye the energies.
Question: In your video №6 you say: “Sit and relax…” But, can i lying down when i do this meditation?
Answer: Of course you can lay down in meditation, too.
Question: Is it right that when we meditate, the energy can fill us only when we have NO any thoughts? Because thoughts blocking the energy flow?
Answer: Only blocking thoughts are blocking.
Question: Why do we get more cosmic energy through meditation, than through the sleep?
Answer: Because in meditation you direct your focus more to the cosmic energy, you do it conscious with the intent to get it.
Question: What you think of the Isochronic tones, alpha and theta wave sounds in videos for relaxation and meditation?
Answer: Well, THETA WAVES are those that your Brain create when you are in a deep meditation. ALPHA WAVES you are creating when you do something creative, or have a daydream. If some videos have REAL Theta and Alpha waves, then it is good. They would stimulate your brain to tune into these frequencies. So you have to know if those sounds you hear are REALLY Theta and Alpha waves. Some sound frequencies are not good, so you have to learn to distinguish the good sounds from the harmful ones. And the KEY for this, you can find in my videos.
Question: How can i stimulate and open lower chakras, especially Muladhara? Meditations show me that i have blocking energies in the bottom of my body which are hard to reach with light energy.
Answer: The goal is to activate ALL the chakras, in the whole body. And this can be done by filling the body with LIGHT. Watch my Video 4.
Question: Is it bad to drink caffeine? That’s my only bad habit, that i got left. Sometimes it’s just nice to drink cup of coffee.
Answer: Well, caffeine is a drug, that is reducing the water in the body. It makes you nervous so you can’t meditate in peace and you are growing older very fast.
Question: The sun light is good for us but my body and skin are very sensitive to the heat and the sunlight’s rays and i burn very quickly. Does that mean that it’s not good for myself and i should stay out of it then or should i still try to go in it some?
Answer: Well, the sun has become a bit stronger now. If your skin is sensitive, it is better to be careful and stay only for a short time in the sun.
Question: I have a question about the cannabis leaf that was created as a crop circle. Does that mean that it’s good not to smoke nicotine but cannabis? Or should i only eat cannabis leaves and ignore the flowers or what does it mean?
Answer: Why do Earth people always want to smoke something? Burn something and then breathe in the poisonous smoke? The Earth is the only planet that practices unhealthy things like that.
Question: If the tattoos are affecting the energy field of the person in some way? I feel strange pulsation on top of mine sometimes, it’s like a heartbeat. The tattoo is a pentagram?
Answer: EVERYTHING has energy. Even symbols. Tattoos do not have a good energy and should be avoided, especially those with demonic, dark symbols. We in the federation of light don’t have those things. Only LOVE energy.
Question: When I’m about to fall asleep, my feet start to make little movements, then my legs, then my hands… then i take a big breathe, and i sleep. It happens every night. I didn’t see it myself, my wife told me.
Answer: That is a discharge of blocking energies.
Question: My dad has got glaucoma and he’s going to lose his eye-sight. Is there something what can help him?
Answer: Well, like in every disease, the cause is always in the energy level, and if you don’t heal it there, it manifests in the physical level. You always have to think about, what the body is trying to tell you. If someone has problems with his eyes, then there is something he don’t want to see, and he should meditate about it, in order to heal the energy, the cause. On the physical level you can use the plant ” Euphrasia officinalis”. You can use it as eye drops or you can make a tee of it, and bath your eyes with it, in order to heal Inflammation, blurred vision and eye fatigue.
Question: As you say trees are beings, but I ask myself, if we eating vegetables, we are eating beings, as it happens with meat from animals. Where is the difference?
Answer: Some plants have the life-purpose to serve as food and some have the life-purpose to provide you fruits and vitamins, and some are serving you as an energy source for cosmic energy. It is an experience. Later, after millions of lifes, and many incarnations as an animal, it will have the experience to be a human.
Question: Since activating the light body i have problems with my digestive system especially the intestine, i drink lots of water, Qigong exercises, go out in the nature a lot, but my body still feels like lead, what can help to make life easier?
Answer: That means that you have activated the light body to quick. It should come natural. Don’t force it with anything. Let the physical body get used to the higher frequency.
Question: Could you recommend please the optimal time for a good meditation – i mean the amount of minutes. Because as for me it’s different all the time – sometimes i can meditate and stay in that state on and on because i feel so well and enjoy the pictures of paradise in my mind. But sometimes i find it quite difficult to stay calm for more than 5 minutes – my body wants to move! Is it all right to meditate for only 5 min?
Answer: Meditation is not a calculated computer program with minutes and time schedule. Meditation has to do with using the FEELING, the NON rational power in yourself. The SPIRITUAL power. The TRUE self. The soul. The cosmic consciousness. If you are listening to your soul and feeling, you don’t look at your watch when you want to develop your consciousness. You do the meditation when your FEELING tells you the right time. And you end the meditation when you FEEL that it is enough.
Question: I have a skin disease that are creating bad energy for me. It’s called Vitiligo, a autoimmune disease that makes some areas of the skin without pigment. (White spots). I have pretty much learned to live with the disease, making the negativity out of it almost gone. But to get full effect i really need this to go away! I have prayed over a thousand times to God to help me, but the thing you write in your previous post about praying makes sense. I guess i have to find my own help. This disease seems like a simple disorder to cure, but the doctors have no cure for such a simple thing. I tried various cream, UV light treatment, Sun treatment. And the only results i’m left with is some brown spots within the white spots. I actually focused my energy just believing it will go away, with no results. I searched for answers everywhere. Now i’m really interested to hear what you say about this and if you could help me.
Answer: This disease is NOT making bad energy. It just shows that the energies in you are out of order. Maybe through stress. And with powerful spiritual energy, you can heal anything. Sometimes it takes a long time to create such powerful energy. It depends on how fast you develop your consciousness. But if you don’t have the patience for this, you can ask other doctors, because there are doctors who can heal it with ointments within months.
Question: I often fall back into old habits of anger and irascibility, but afterwards I regret it. I’m trying to get rid of these things with meditation. Are there any natural remedies like “schuessler salts” that can help me to reduce anger and stress?
Answer: St John’s wort calming nerves.
Question: What can i do about my aunt, she is a heavy smoker and lives in the same house. Everywhere she smokes and i can’t really get away, any ideas?
Answer: Well, the best would be to move out of the house.
Question: When i meditate , i often see an “eye”, what does this mean? Answer: You are just seeing your spiritual eye. Your third eye.
Question: I have been eating meat my whole life and been having trouble stopping, will i not be able to ascend with the planet into the light and be the rainbow warrior i came here to be if i continue to eat meat?
Answer: What is a “rainbow warrior?” Are you fighting against rainbows? A light worker is NOT a warrior. A Warrior wants to make war. A light worker wants to create LOVE. When someone creates a powerful spiritual light within, he will stop automatically eating corpses or other low energy food.
Question: In my meditation i crying, but not happiness and not sorrow. I don’t know why i crying i don’t know if its OK.
Answer: Crying in meditation is OK. That is just a purification of old unnecessary energies, pains and traumas.
Question: Why sometimes i feel a mild pain in my third eye chakra? This is a bad sign??
Answer: No, it is a good sign.
Question: I am wondering, what is your opinion about smoking cannabis or using cannabis for medical or even recreational purposes?
Answer: 1) Get rid of ALL drugs – get rid of ANY smoking. Every smoker has negative astral beings, parasites and holes in his dirty aura. They feed on the life energy of the smoker, forcing him
to smoke further. You DON’T love yourself or the creation. Even when your rational intellectual mind is thinking this!
2) If you destroy your body, your temple for your soul, you show the existence, that you don’t have respect to the creation and you like to destroy it. That is NO love. Real LOVE is healthy, and
is coming out of your soul. So you have to have a CLEAN connection to your soul, in order to use REAL LOVE no spiritual person is smoking.
Question: Alaje, i just smoked marijuana and drank a bit of alcohol yesterday, ever since i started to meditate Ive been receiving pain in my heart, really, pain as in if i am having a little heart attack, what does this mean? How do i cure it?
Answer: The light of the meditation will try to clean all negative energies in you, especially when you are smoking. The pain comes, when there is much negative energies to clean. After that, everything is better.
Question: When i meditate or when I’m about to fall asleep, i see the vibrant purple colors. The colors is change in shape and speed. I wonder what it could be and what it means?
Answer: That is the energy that you are generating in the meditation. The energy starts to move.
Question: How can i activate my heart chakra, or any chakras for that matter. I am starting to meditate, but i get distracted easy so it is kinda hard.
Answer: Meditation is a process that need time to develop. Especially in the lower frequencies of planet Earth. You need patience. Just continue with my video number 4.
Question: My dad has a back pain for 42 years, now he is on medication from doctors. Is there anything you can help him with?
Answer: He has to exercise the back to build up the muscles and if he has an inflammation in his back, he can use Boswellia serrata.
Question: Should painkillers like paracetamol and aspirin be avoided? Or are they okay?
Answer: First i would try the natural herbs. And only if they don’t work for you, you can try the chemical medicine in small doses, if you are not allergic to it.
Question: In your comments, you are often told that eating the corpses of animals, it retains the energy of people in animalistic vibration. Thus, i would like to know, if the use of eggs and dairy products, people are also exposed to the same vibrations?
Answer: No, because first of all, no animals were killed to get the milk and secondly, these products didn’t make any experience of life, like a living being does. Nevertheless, at one day a body that feeds from light won’t accept these products anymore. It will come naturally.
Question: I have an important question regarding higher frequencies and headaches. Does attaining higher frequencies cause migraines?
Answer: Yes, in some cases, it can cause headaches, until you have adjust to the higher frequencies.
Question: My mum is always complaint and angry on me, because i don’t want to apply any cream to my skin. Anyway, recently i watched your videos and meditated. The first time, i didn’t meditate very well, but later when my mum left the house i meditated again and tried to become one with the light. When she came back she also brought friends with her and looked at me happily, like she didn’t do for a long time. She said “thanks for using the cream!” but i told her i didn’t use it but none of them wanted to believe me. She was happy nevertheless. I think this had to do with the power of light (or not?).
Answer: I have already answered more in the past comments… If the transformation is completed, the earth will swing in a higher frequency. And in this frequency not everyone can live. Only those who have a high frequency. Others will seek for planets, that swing on their frequency. Nothing comes by chance. Each one looks after his life from himself, and each person decides for himself, whether he wants to master the learning tasks in his life or not.
Question: Fruits and vegetables are my favorite diet. Can you talk on raw vs. cooked and legumes and grains for human consumption?
Answer: All fruits and vegetables that you eat, have to be clean. You can clean them with light energy, if you have enough love energy in you.
Question: I have some blocks from past lifes, that i don’t get rid off, this is disturbing me in this life, i have tried with meditations and other things, but they just won’t disappear. Do you have any opinion about regression hypnosis? So, i don’t have to be stuck with this cell memories? Can this be a good thing to do or can it do any damage to the soul?
Answer: If you already know what is blocking you, you can work on erasing them. In meditation you can think about it, and think of solutions that you can make. In your daily life, you can watch the situations that are coming to you and think about what they are trying to tell you. Once you have filter the lesson and wisdom of the blockades, they will never come back, because you have master them, and the knowledge is deep stored in your soul.
Question: Something is wrong with me! I forget so much, what happens? I empty. I’m not here, i am not even in thought. It looks like a dream, i call for HELP!
Answer: I say, that the body adapts to the new, higher frequencies, and that can sometimes lead to short-term memory loss.
Question: My girlfriend and her brother suffer from eczema and have been suffering from this since when they were little children. It comes and goes very often. How can they help themselves to cure this disease?
Answer: Well, it depends of what kind of eczema you have.
But first of all, you have to strengthen your immune systerm with:
Cosmic Light Energy, Vitamins, Cistus Incanus, BVK (Roche), Gingseng.
Especially when you have taken Antibiotic. Wash yourself only with mild soaps, than contain no alcohol.
Take a bath with: Common yarrow and Whey. You can find whey powder at the pharmacy. Eat carrots and drink tees with: Tropaeolum majus, camomile tee, oak tree.
Use these Herbs: Demyc N spag., Mucan spag., Silicea colloidal comp., Gelatum, Antimonit D12.
To stop the itching use: Cefabene, Dermatodoron, Psoriasis-Gastreu, Rubisan, and honey on the skin.
You can use cremes that contain Clotrimazol or Terbinafinhydrochlorid, if you have skin fungus.
Question: Many spiritual teachings seem to suggest to keep one’s environment orderly and clean. It’s embarrassing to tell you, but i failed to do that in my apartment, and it got out of my hands. Now that the situation (the local government) is forcing me to straighten that out. Is it bad for the soul evolution to live in chaotic and cluttered environment?
Answer: No don’t worry. That is nonsense what they are telling. You don’t have to be fanatic about it. The golden middle is the best. Artists or genius have often a chaotic room…and after a while, they clean it. More important is to clean INSIDE….The blockades,old patterns and bad karma.
Question: I don’t smoke and i don’t drink alcohol. I also don’t eat junk food. But about 5-6 years ago i took a lot of medication for the acne problem i had. Do i need to detox in order to heal my body and DNA?
Answer: Well, if you see that the chemical medicine is harming you, you should try the natural herbs medicine. In addition you should let the sun heal your skin.
Question: Lately i have been extremely depressed and filled with anxiety, no matter how hard i try to forget about all of my negative thoughts i can’t, do you have any advice that i should do in order to be happier?
Answer: You have to get rid of negative energies that are disturbing you. Have only contacts with loving, non-smoking, non-alcoholic people, go often to nature and take a shower every time you feel bad energy in your body.
Question: Dear Alaje, how can you cure Asthma?
Answer: Well, first of all, you should think about, what is the cause of the Asthma.
Is it because of bad energy, something or somebody that upsets you and takes your air away?
Or do you have fear of something?
Or, is the air were you are living polluted? Are you going often to nature to breath fresh air?
Or, are you close to smokers?
Or, are you allergic to something?
Here are the plants that nature has for that:
Common horsetail, Elecampane, yew tree, eucalyptus , elder, mullein, lavender, loofah, primrose, ribwort, Asthma-Gastreu N R43, Cepa D4, Droserapect, Ephedra-Strath comp, Flores Tritici comp, and
of course light meditation.
Question: Is there any better time in the day to meditate, or it doesn’t matter? Day, night or afternoon?
Answer: You can meditate ANY time.
Question: I’ve paid attention to my feeling today. I didn’t find anything which gives me a feeling so bad. But the constant noise from the building opposite in work makes me feel a little nervous and the noise of the cars. But they are little things, do they count?
Answer: EVERYTHING is energy. Noise can make you sick and angry.
Question: Is it normal to sleep about 16 hours? I know you are telling that in the process you want to sleep a lot, is this normal even if i haven’t meditated, Alaje?
Answer: Yes, that’s normal.
Question: My mum is always complaining and angry about me, because i don’t want to apply any cream to my skin. Anyway, recently i watched your videos and meditated. The first time, i didn’t meditate very well, but later when my mum left the house i meditated again and tried to become one with the light. When she came back she also brought friends with her and looked at me happily, like she didn’t do for a long time. She said “thanks for using the cream!” but i told her i didn’t use it but none of them wanted to believe me. She was happy nevertheless. I think this had to do with the power of light (or not?).
Answer: I have already answered more in the past comments… If the transformation is completed, the earth will swing in a higher frequency. And in this frequency not everyone can live. Only those who have a high frequency. Others will seek for a planets, that swings on they frequency. Nothing is by a chance. Each one looks for his life from himself, and each person decides for himself, whether he wants to master the learning tasks in his life or not.
Question: Is hair loss caused by negativity or just by bad genes, also is there any cure?
Answer: Bad genes come from bad energies, created in many generations. Cure: Good energies / Love. Another option is to eat Millet Seed (Gramineae/Poaceoe). There are Millet capsules too.
Statement: Hi Alaje, thank you for your beautiful words of wisdom. I bless everyone that their hearts will be filled with love energy. May everyone have the power to find their iner peace and beauty in their heart. May everyone listen to their soul, that their spirits will be lifted and rejoice in the everlasting truth of our existence. LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL!
Answer: I thank all the kind people for their loving messages and energy. All the evil people who constantly attack me with insults and hate, I recommend them to watch my videos 5 and 10.
Question: Do you have any idea how can we heal Parkinson disease and why does it happen?
Answer: As i said in my videos, everything is energy. As i said in my videos, “diseases are coming from negative energies or suppressed unhealed emotions, some are from karmic reasons and some are manufactured from the secret world government.” “With the high frequency of cosmic love, you can transform all negative energies.”
You can heal everything if the energy you are using is high enough. And the highest energy that you can create is LOVE ENERGY. This energy can transform and heal physical reality. You can transform, your food, your water, your body, everything. Nothing is more powerful than the energy of the existence (God). If you create the energy of fear or hate in you, you are blocking the higher energy to act. Because you are controlling this energy. You have free will. You are the master of your inner development. The existence is responding to your wish.
The best medicine is to life spiritual. In that way you can block most of the diseases. Hate, anger and stress are creating most of the body pains, because they are creating negative energy. They are altering the molecular structure of the body – making the body weak. So the ENERGY has to be healed in order to REALLY heal the physical body. This has to be a part of the medical care.
Question: Thanks for the reply Alaje, can you expand on what you mean by a clearing with spiritual energy, and what can i and her both do in order to achieve this?
Answer: The answer is in my videos. “If you want to clean a lower energy, you have to use a higher energy”. Tell her to do the meditations in my videos and use the cosmic light to free herself from the entities that are trying to stay in her body. Lower entities can’t stand the power of light. But it has to be powerful enough.
Question: Dear Alaje, i have a brother who suffers from autism. I was just wondering what is the cause of autism? Also my brother is almost impossible to talk to. How can i communicate with him? Thank you.
Answer: I think your brother is a soul which can not adapt to the earthly dimension. The best way to talk to him is with telepathy. Try to tell him things when he is sleeping.
Question: Hello Alaje and to all of you. Thank you for helping me. I have blood in my urine, is there a solution other than the doctor? Thank you, Master. Love and Peace to all.
Answer: Blood in the urine can appear when your Kidneys are not functioning correctly. The kidneys are filtering toxins out of the blood and are regulating the water in the body. You have to keep the kidneys warm. If they get cold, they get an infection, and they can not filter everything. So sometime you loose blood through the urine. It happens more often to women than to men.
Every once a while, humans have to detoxify the kidneys. The nature has plants for that. You can use: Birch, Bear-Grape (Uva-Ursi), Barberry, Beans, Watercress or you can go to the pharmacy and get a mixture of natural herbs, like: “Albumo Gastreu R64″ or “Renes”/”Equisetum comp”.
Question: Hello Alaje, can you tell me the cause of schizophrenia because my mother has had it for many years now. She is currently been taking schizophrenia medication for the past few years now and she’s not been hallucinating and being paranoid anymore like before. However i know that these drugs will render her body useless if she continues to take them and she will not be herself anymore.
I don’t want her to continue taking these drugs but i don’t want her schizophrenia to come back either so i will spend more time with her and give her more love and i think it’s rather difficult to convince her to meditate given her thought processes. What else can i do to cure her, can you give me some advice. Thank you. Love to you all, and may all the people suffering from diseases live a happy life.
Answer: Schizophrenia is caused when two or more souls are trying to stay in her physical body. Medication will not work for that. She needs a clearing with spiritual energy, to purify her self from bad entities.
Question: Hi Alaje! And what about homosexuals?
Answer: Homosexuality is an energetic defect. The polarity is wrong. In the existence, only when male and female energy come together, you create the energy of creation. You can see this principle in everything in nature. In order to create and manifest something, you need the combination of male and female energy.
The problem with homosexuality syndrome is only on this planet. And this is because people here have no memories about past lifes and traumas that happened there. In your past life you had identify or pegged to much with the gender of the body. The soul is using in every life different bodies male and female. Homosexual people have to come over of the trauma pattern that they are in. They should accept that now, in this life, they are the other gender. You will change the gender many times in other lifes according to what you have to learn.
When you are in a higher energy like for instance in the ships of the federation, the lower limited energies of your physical earth life are transformed in a higher energy and you have a bigger understanding and perspective of your life and your evolution plan. And you don’t have any of the earth-syndrome like being homosexual. Don’t forget, you are the energy (soul) inside a physical body in order to make experiences on a 3dimensional planet. In a male body, you wanted to make male experiences, and in a female body, you wanted to make female experiences. If you are not in this energy, something is wrong, and should be healed.
Question: Caro Alaje, my wife lately is very aggressive with me, so i cannot talk to her and i feel a very negative energy that she have. She will not understand what is going on with her, because she is still too wedded to outdated religious concepts. I even talked to her in the astral plane, but did not change anything. What should i do?
Answer: Well, if you tried everything, then she has to decide which way she wants to go. In these transformation times, many clearings and purifications are happening, and people with opposite energies can’t stay together anymore. It is natural that only people with similar frequency can stay together in harmony. Many people are experiencing this now. As i say in my videos: “Every flower has his own time to blossom”.
Every soul has a own speed of learning. Some souls are developing fast, and some slow. In these transformation times, people will look for people with the same energy. Some conscious, and the most unconscious. It’s natural. Not everybody is ready in this lifetime for higher knowledge. Some need another life to understand.
Question: Alaje, my girlfriend suffers from Fibromyalgia for many years. We eat really healthy but she still feel on pain and tired all the time. Have you got any suggestion what we should do? How can she get better?
Answer: She can try Glucosamine/Chondroitin, and she has to look in her life, what or who is disturbing her.
Question: Dear Alaje, i have real bad sleeping problems. I was wondering if you have any advice that can help me sleep. Thank you. Love and light 4 planet Earth.
Answer: Meditation and “St John’s wort” capsules.
Question: What kind of silica to heal the skin?
Answer: Just google “Silica capsules Hübner”.
Question: Hi Alaje. Since i have stopped eating corpses, drinking coffee, smoking weed, and all bad habits i know of, i feel a lot Healthier. Yet i can still feel the damage the weed has done to my brain. I have been smoking it almost everyday for 3 years. I am 17 will i ever make a full recovery, or am i doomed to spend the rest of my incarnation with this problem? I have a strong desire to get in touch with my higher self, so this saddens me. Any advice you can give to help me would be greatly appreciated. I am so glad to have found your page thank you so much for all your hard work helping the people of Earth. Love and light to you Alaje!
Answer: You have to detoxify yourself. There are herbs that can detoxify. Go to the pharmacy and get yourself natural anti-poisoning capsules.
Question: Hello ALAJE, what kind of food you can eat, a good food? Fish is also bad for that or only refers of red meat?
Answer: As i said in my video, fruits, plants and nuts.
Question: I don’t eat meat because of your advice, but i would like to know if the eggs are allowed. Thank you.
Answer: It’s not about whether it is “permitted” or not. It’s about what is healthy and what is not healthy.
When you watch your body, you see what is good for him and what not. If you are allergic to something, you should not eat it. If you have a high energy, you stop many things automatically,
because they are no longer needed. Those with no light energy eating animals and those who have a lot of light energy, eat only food which also has a lot of light.
Question: Alaje, thank you so much for your messages, one question, Do you recommend using hypnosis to stop smoking?
Answer: Hypnosis is only good when you know somebody who knows what he is doing. Somebody you can trust and don’t make more damage to you. Somebody who knows how to handle lower astral entities and the power of light. A real SPIRITUAL Person with Experience – not a regular psychiatrist.
Question: Dear Alaje, i have been told that i should drink three liters of water thought out the day to keep my system well. I know to much coffee is a bad thing but what of black tea with milk?
Answer: Listen to your own Body and then decide what you need or not. Coffee is not good at all.
Question: Help, send love to my way. I pray and pray. And try, try to do my best. But i don’t feel when angelic forces are near. I pray to be able to hear their voice, i am trying to becoming a light worker, through massage training i have… Trying to clear MY being in order to be able to help others. But i have gotten lost… Send me an angel PLEASE and thank you.
Answer: You have to eliminate everything that creates negative energy:
1) Go away from negative people.
2) Don’t stay with smokers (they have negative entities in their aura).
3) Change the room you are living. Hang only beautiful posters and pictures on the wall, with bright colors. No dark, depressive pictures.
4) Don’t wear dark clothes, use colors or white.
5) Don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke.
6) Don’t listen to evil music like Heavy metal or worst. Listen to harmonious music, like meditation or happy music. Music with a high frequency.
7) Go often to nature to clean your energy and charge it with new clear energy.
8) Use a good smelling room-perfume. Light beings like angels, like only things which are smelling good.
9) Try to play sometimes. You can also use a computer game for that. Of course only a funny game. Not a killing game. Games like jump and run are fun. Or you play outside ping pong.
10) Make sometimes gifts to your self. Show yourself that you have self-love. Tell to your self in the mirror that you love yourself. Hang a paper on the door or on the mirror and write on it “I LOVE MY SELF”.
11) Don’t watch negative movies on TV. Watch funny movies or comics.
12) Try to paint a picture. Painting is a form of healing and meditation. Use colorful bright colors.
13) Play an instrument, make Music
14) Don’t eat animal corpses.
Question: Hello Alaje, i would like to ask a question regarding pets. I am starting to feel that having pets is a very unnatural thing and is actually going against the free will of the animal. On the other hand, i had a 22 year old and still have a 23 year old cat that has been with my family since it was a baby. We adopted them both from the streets of a major city. Was it part of their life plan to be with us or have we been forcing them to do so?
Answer: If the pets like you and want to stay with you, they can help you emotionally. If you force them, they will be wild and make troubles. Some people have pets, because the pets are helping them to feel love and clean the emotions. Some people have pets, because they want to control somebody and give orders. A pet can be a good friend, if you use love energy. It will give you the love back.
Question: Do you think drinking tea (green and white tea) is not good for spiritual development? I read that somewhere and got very confused. Cause in Buddhist drinking tea is very important for meditation.
Answer: Of course tea is not harmful. It is healthy herbs and plants from the nature. Healthy, non toxic herbs and plants, have the life plan and mission to serve humans and animals.
Question: Dear Alaje, i have been a smoker for 5 years and i recently just quit about a month ago. You think i still have a chance for self love and a higher consciousness?
Answer: That has nothing to do with “chance”, it has to do with YOUR DECISION.
Question: Dear Alaje, thank you for all your answers in all there forms. I would like some advice on stopping smoking. I have tried so many things, alan carr, hypnosis, will power. I have been smoking since i was 12 years old. i have managed to stop some months in some cases. I really am beginning to feel cursed with this.
Answer: The secret world government have created these cigarette drugs in order to keep the people in a low consciousness and vibration, in order to control the people easier. Every smoker has negative astral beings, parasites and holes in his dirty aura. They feed on the life energy of the smoker, forcing him to smoke further. You can see it with an active third eye. Cigarettes, drugs open the door to the lower astral planes where there are demons, nonspiritual people or deceased smokers.
These people suffer and be tormented by the demons… And for a very very long time before they finally begin to be interested in love. Only then they see the light and can again incarnate in another body, to learn self-love. You can only go to higher dimensions, if you have a spiritual clean, high energy. Only then you can stay in the high energy levels.
When the body is being deliberately destroyed by drugs, the divine energy can’t flow properly in you and the body becomes sick. Self destruction is a sign of lack of love and spirituality. Most believe that they love, but this is just a rational thinking in their ego-mind. There is no REAL love from the heart. It is an entirely different frequency.
A broken radio, can not receive clear music, but only distorted, or none at all. The body is the earthly vessel for the soul. If the body does not function properly, you have no good contact with the soul. One then does not receive ideas of the soul but only lies, illusions and negative words of the dark creatures.
Just remember:
You need first of all a strong will and SELF – LOVE
Who loves himself, does not hurt himself.
Only who loves himself can love others REALLY.
You can only give what you have.
Everything that stinks, is shunned by beings of light.
Only the dark side like everything that is dirty and stinks.
Only the dark side, like to be in a lower vibration, which is not love.
The light side you can find where it’s beautiful, beautiful aromas,
beautiful colors, beautiful, harmonious music, love, high vibration.
Learn how to REALLY love you. Not just with your rational mind, but with your whole being. No spiritual being is taking drugs. No spiritual being is smoking. That would be) against love, against spirituality, against the existence (god. Only demons like poison, mud and low vibration. Take a big leap in your life and decide to go to the light. Throw away any drugs TODAY. Fight against the influence of the dark side. Are you ready for a higher level of development in your life? Are you ready for a higher consciousness? It is YOUR decision…
Question: I am confused, i don’t know what to do anymore. I see nothing happening around me to hold on to hope. I have this weird feeling inside of my stomach not physically but spiritually. And when i get that feeling, i know that somethings wrong in my reality. Some pointers in what i must do for towards the big ascension. I focus on your videos… Please can you give me a straight up answer of what to do?
Answer: All the answers are already in my videos. Its only your rational earth mind, that’s wants everything in a second. But your soul knows, that everything comes when the time is right. Listen to your Soul, not to your intellectual mind.
Question: Alaje, does the hair on our heads have anything to do with our spirituality? I can’t help but notice that Buddhist monks have shaved heads and hinduists have very long hair. All drawn pictures of Pleiadians show them having long hair. And the pharmaceutical drug companies try their best to make us put chemicals into our hair.
Answer: EVERY part of the body has a spiritual part. The body is the temple of the soul. Hairs are like antennas for cosmic energy. A sensing device. Just like the branches of a tree, or the sensors of an insect or other animals. On addition, you can find in the hair stored memories of past experiences, that is why some people cut unconsciously the hair, when they had a traumatic experience.
Question: When in meditation i don’t think in anything (just observe) i feel great peace. Is it useful to do this meditation? Is it better to do the meditation that’s in your videos? Thank you in advance.
Answer: There are two forms of meditation. Receiving or sending. It depends on what you want. Just like on the phone or a Walky Talky, you have the option to talk or to listen.
Question: Hi Alaje. Is Samatha meditation (focused in watch our breathing with closed eyes, in silence, without thoughts, just observing) good for our spiritual evolution? Thank you for all.
Answer: Meditation with just focusing on the breathing is for beginners, when they have too much thoughts in their heads. Its a trick to calm your rational mind. Advanced meditation is when you are able to silence your mind quick, and focus only on the one thing you want.
Question: Dear Alaje, some times, when i make conscious decision to develop my body and consciousness into the new level, i wake up in the morning or during the night with feeling of some very strong energy going through my spine. And that feeling can lasts for a few days. Can you tell me where that energy comes from, and what kind of energy it is?
Answer: That’s the Kundalini Energy. It rises up and activates the other chakras. Its a good sign.
Question: Sometimes, when i am about to fall asleep at night a light flashes in my eyes. What is this and what should i do about it? Thank you.
Answer: That is your pineal gland, your third eye. Concentrate on that.
Question: What is an aura?
Answer: The aura is the energy field, that every object has. Everything has a vibration, an energy, that is causing an energy field around an object.
Question: Are only bad people having acne?
Answer: Even light-workers on Earth can have acne sometimes when they have stress or the genetics from the parents. Acne comes from many reasons: of the pollution of the air and the food, sugar, chocolate, junk food, hamburgers, eating animal-corpses, stress or from the genetics that you get from your parents. Besides vegetarian eating, you can use SILICA to heal the skin.
Question: Hello Alaje, i have been doing meditations as you have taught and now have a constant numb feeling in my forehead. It’s not painful or distracting, it’s nice, is this normal?
Answer: That’s normal, it’s like when somebody sits his whole life in the couch, smoking poison and eating junk food and then one day he is doing body-building exercises and jogging the whole day. For the next days, this person will have a heavy pain in the muscles, because the muscles start to work and grow. Your third eye is in the physical form a muscle too… A gland.
Question: Which plants will help me to detoxify from cigarettes fume?
Answer: Chelidonium-Strath comp., Nux vomica Similiaplex, Nux vomica D6, Prunus Padus forte Vitaplex N, TOXEX. TOXEX is for general detoxification. You shouldn’t take all of these at once but rather one at a time and if one doesn’t help, try another one. They help your body to clean itself from bacteria, environmental poisons, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, medication and caffeeine.
Question: Hi Alaje! Do you know Feng Shui? You know this is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of heaven (Astronomy) and Earth (Geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi (ch’i). Is this real or just a superstition?
Answer: Some things in Feng Shui are the right use of cosmic energy and some things are superstition, that has developed in thousands of years of misunderstanding.
Question: Hello Alaje, could you please talk about sex energy? It is really needed to refrain from reaching ejaculation to retain that energy for the purpose of awakening, health and energy level? It is happening the same thing as with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes that a negative astral entity sticks to us and gives us the feeling of having sex? Or maybe that’s just a matter of hormone levels? Does sex lowers your vibration?
Answer: If you use sex in the right way, (WITH Love), it is rising your frequency and can be a booster for a higher consciousness. It can open a gate to higher energies.
That’s why the sect cult church has always tried to put sex in a bad light. They don’t want people to be higher developed, because then, they are not controlled by them anymore. And this brainwashing of the church cult has an impact on people since the middle age.
In the modern times this brainwashing is even stronger because of the negative presentation of sex on TV, where sex is always showed together with crime and guilt. In reality is sex an energy-exchange and with the right partner AND love, i can boost your consciousness.
Question: Dear Alaje, during meditation i can feel my city, region, my country (Russia), eastern and western Europe, but i don’t. feel Asia, USA and other part of planet? I am trying to imagine but still don’t feel. I want to feel all Earth. Can you help me?
Answer: You still have borders in your mind.
Don’t think about “Countries” or “Separations”. This “Divisions” are created by the dark earth controllers, so that people never unite and be a strong force. They have the thinking: “Divide and Conquer”. Earth people have to start to see the planet as a whole. as ONE humanity on Earth. Imagine the WHOLE planet in your mind. Not “Countries”!
Question: Thank you very much for part 10 of your videos!
Yes, the lightworking process is on! But i got a problem.
The last weeks during meditation and lightworking I’ve had sleep problems. I wake up at night and feel inner activity and can’t sleep. In three days now i haven’t do any spiritual thing and now i can sleep again. But i want to continue the lightworking process without any sleep problems. I have focused very hard on my spirituality such as meditation and lightworking and maybe to less on material things?
Is there lack of balance?
Answer: Yes you have to be in balance. The physical body has to adjust to the higher energies, step by step.
Question: Alaje, is it true that the 528 Hz frequency the love signal that help open the heart and repair damaged DNA?
Answer: You can not measure the divine energy of love with the limited Earth thinking of numbers.
Question: Is it possible with plants like Ayahuasca to connect with alien in the light? How can we speed up the process of spirituality?
Answer: Watch my videos and comments. I ALWAYS say, DON’T take drugs. “With a broken leg, you can’t climb a mountain”. When you have no brain, you can’t do anything.
Question: Alaje is Marijuana weed a harmless plant/safe medicine or drug
Answer: Marijuana weed can destroy parts of your brain, and you can’t have a clear thinking after that. Also weed opens astral channels and if you are not wise enough for that, there will be negative entities coming through and you will not have your own thoughts anymore. Throw those drugs away!
Question: Your videos fill me with energy of love, service, unity and humility, but i do get my environment to those high vibrations, my environment is bad and makes me get off my high feeling, how can i be always with that feeling of love, even in a bad environment?
Answer: I have answered this in my videos already. Stay away from negative people, don’t argue with them. Send them energy, because only then you can reach them. When they sleep is best. In that way, you can talk to their soul and their ego-mind is not disturbing.
Question: Hi Alaje, i am curious about caffeine and it’s effect on light energy. Should i stop drinking tea and coffee?
Answer: Hello, you should avoid caffeine.
Question: Hi Alaje, what’s your view on anxiety? I seem to get very anxious around some people and in some situations. I have been told that the anxiety i feel is coming from others around me and not my own but i am not sure what that means.
Answer: Hello, as i say in my videos, everything is energy, feelings like anxiety or fear, have a lower vibration and are keeping you in a low frequency. Yes, sometimes this energy comes from other people, and if you are sensitive, you can feel it, but sometimes it could be from you too. A lot of people have been programmed to have fear through the society, TV, or parents. You should always turn low frequencies into higher ones. Replace the polarity with the opposite. What is the opposite of fear? Braveness, love and light.
Question: Dear Alaje, thank you for your positive messages and information. I would like to ask your opinion of the Rei-ki system. Do you think it is a valid tool for self development and our difficult times, or another trick of the dark side? I had a vision of it as a giant golden energy pool with many dark beings feeding off it.
Answer: Well, in the Reiki system people think they can buy spiritual mastery with a lot of money and hang a certificate on the wall to make their ego proud and show others how great they are… But a real spiritual person is somebody who has gained wisdom out of REAL experiences of MANY mastered life’s and this person don’t need a peace of paper on the wall to proof it. It is just a system to steal your money. You can’t buy spirituality. Real spirituality comes within you when you have activate the REAL love energy. Simple and for free.
Question: Hello Alaje, do you know the channel http://www.youtube.com/SternSTARSEEDFilme and if so, what do you think about this? Is that trustworthy information? Light and love to all. =)
Answer: Hello, i have being watched now the last two. Good energy, good information.
Question: Hi Alaje, you say that everybody should have love in their hearts and i do. I love my family, my friends and the closest people around me. I think to love someone you need to know them first, but how can i love someone that i don’t even know?
Answer: That would be the universal love. When you give love to ALL souls, no matter how crazy the physical body is. As a soul, as energy, all is one, all is connected with energy. With invisible strings to everything in the universe. That’s why, everything has an impact on everything. Use my meditation from part 4.
Question: Dear Alaje, can you tell me what is the symbol means through out the video?
Answer: The symbol in my videos has to do with sacred geometry that is everywhere around us and inside us. This symbol is opening dimension gates, not only in the outside world, but also in the
mind of the people.
So, it is helping people to understand better the information i am talking about in the video, because they get in touch with there inner spirit, their soul.
Question: Hi Alaje, i’d like to know if being vegetarian is ok for ascension or if vegetarian is the right thing?
Answer: Well, the best is to eat a food with the highest frequency. That you can find in fruits and vegetables.
Question: I have another question Alaje, would practicing Kung Fu, not for the fight but for the skill like agility and speed and all that, will it affect my frequencies in an unfavorable way?
Answer: Moving the body and strengthen the muscles is good for the flow of spiritual energy.
Question: Dear Alaje, i have a question about meditation and was wondering if you could please help with that. Recently i have heard a following theory and don’t know what to think about it:
If you are developing your spiritual abilities without certain knowledge you will not overcome the border of death and will die. What actually happens is when someone starts to mediate trying to get cosmic energy, the inner biological time is slowing down and that is fine. But, when after meditation you return to the everyday life, the immune system is speeding up again and that causes the beginning of a cancer. That is how many famous masters for instance like Osho and Castaneda have died from cancer. Could you please comment on that? Thank you very much again.
Answer: That is wrong thinking. When you are meditating you are getting more and more energy and if you build it up you can use it in your everyday life. You have more energy and more ideas, because you are connected to your soul and higher self. A human dies naturally when the time is right for the next life.
Question: Alaje at what time are group meditations done, can we organize this so that information is available for all that are interested and also easy to find so that we can just join in daily meditation together? Its much more interesting to do group meditation then does it alone…
Answer: Well, it is not really a specific time necessary, because the energy is working anyway. In higher frequencies, there is no time like on Earth. The people, who are meditating, are meeting together as a souls, as a energy. No matter what Earth time they are meditating. I would say, if everybody meditate before going to sleep, it would be good.
Question: By simple meditation everyday with a lot of love, would that heal my brain from the damage these medications are doing?
Answer: Enough cosmic energy can heal anything.
Question: My friend alaje i want to ask you an important question. What do you think about Kundalini because that happened to me it is the most beautiful experience happened to me? I want every body experienced that. From the bottom of my heart.
Answer: The Kundalini is activated, when you have enough cosmic energy in your body, through meditation.
Question: Hi Alaje, i’m feeling a little bit stuck with my meditations. Is there anything you would recommend me? What do you think about Pranayama? Is it useful? Love and gratitude to you all.
Answer: Well, Pranayama is a method to breath Prana, the etheric essence conscious inside. But you don’t have to make it complicated. Earth people tend to make everything complicated, head oriented not heart oriented. If you meditate with the heart by trying to FEEL instead of thinking too much, you can reach higher energies. Just do like i say in my videos. Very simple. Visualize breathing cosmic energy (Prana) in and feel it and then send it to the planet out of your heart. That’s all. Easy and powerful.
Question: Dear Alaje, you mentioned that spherical thinking is very important. Can you please share more about what it is? How to practice spherical thinking?
Answer: This will come naturally, when you are connected with your soul and higher self. Then, you see everything from a higher point of view and higher understanding. You just have to awaken spirituality and love in your heart, using it in your daily life and in meditation. This opens doors to higher energies and spherical thinking.
Question: Hello Alaje, if a person meditates once every day generating love and light in their heart… Approximately how long does it take to get their frequency up to where it needs to be? Love and light.
Answer: You cannot calculate spiritual things like a clock. Everybody is an individual and has his own time. I say in the videos, you cannot use the old linear thinking, if you want to understand and live the higher frequencies and dimensions. There you go by feeling and intuition. The properties of the soul, not the Earths mind.